Time for change? Here are the best job search sites and applications

CV is your business card

Have you finished your studies, want to develop professionally, or maybe you are completely changing your career path? The reasons may be different, but most of us will face the challenge of looking for a job sooner or later. It may happen that despite graduating from a good university, numerous additional courses and extensive experience, the phone stubbornly remains silent. We will advise: your skills are not everything. In the process of looking for a job, it is equally important to present yourself to the potential employer and to organize the search process well.

CV is your business card
CV is your business card

By sending a CV to a potential employer you want to present yourself from the best side. The recruiters get hundreds of the same-sounding and looking documents: list of recently held positions, completed college, hobby. Looking through subsequent biographies, they spend a few seconds on one person. How do you get enough attention to get an invitation to an interview? Try to think non-standard.

The obvious solution is an interesting template that you will use to prepare your CV. The Internet offers access to many wizards (you can check them e.g. on the LiveCareer website ). The intriguing graphic form will definitely draw the attention of the person browsing your application.

Put the most important information about yourself in the upper left corner of the page – that’s where the recruiter looks first. Also take care of the quality of the information contained below. Choose the most interesting activities that may interest your employer – but do not enter all internships, internships or volunteering. Try to match them to the profile of the company you are applying to. Listing all the places where you worked is also not a good idea. If you apply to the IT department, the item “distributing leaflets” has no major impact on your experience in the industry. More tips that will be useful when creating a CV can be found on the LiveCareer.pl website.

Bending reality when looking for a job is rarely good for candidates. This also applies to seemingly less important elements, such as the “hobby” section at the end of the CV. Remember that employers are happy to ask about the positions contained therein. Avoid entering things you have no idea about, you can achieve the opposite effect.

Search effectively!

You’ve written the perfect CV, refined it in every detail and have no idea what to do next? There are many job search opportunities today. You can report to a recruitment agency and leave your document to them. The whole onerous process of viewing job offers will be done for you by someone else. Your task is to determine your dream earnings and the industry you are interested in.

You can also take matters into your own hands and help happiness. There are many websites on the internet that offer job opportunities that you can choose not only by industry, but also by location. The Indeed smartphone app available in the Google Store is gaining popularity . It allows you to constantly monitor emerging offers and apply for the selected position. These types of applications also often include a CV creator. This is an option that you should pay attention to – using this type of tool, you put your resume in a database available to many employers.

Orient yourself

If you are actively looking for a job, you are certainly sending many applications. It is worth remembering which companies you wrote to and which position you applied for exactly. This will be useful not only when answering the telephone question “did you apply to company X for the position Y?”, But also when preparing for the interview.

Before meeting with the recruiter, carefully read the advertisement you responded to. To avoid unnecessary panic associated with the fact that the ad is not available, create notes. Include in them the name of the employer and position, and a brief description of the employer’s requirements. It is a good idea to check what the company does in a search engine and write it in a few words. Recruiters often ask about such things during interviews, checking how sincere the applicant’s interest in the position is. To avoid the risk of losing notes or accidentally deleting a text file, consider creating notes in dedicated programs ( you can use the Evernote program , which allows you to collect notes in one place).

Keep your finger on the pulse

When sending application documents via e-mail, you often don’t know if your message has reached the recipient. Unlike messengers, e-mail in many cases does not have the function to allow read notifications. Fortunately, you can contribute to controlling this process by installing appropriate Mixmax.com applications on your inbox. The application allows you to set notification options not only about whether someone has read your message, but also whether it has responded.

meet me

When you send your CV, your goal is to get an invitation to an interview. Not everyone has perfect memory, and the job search process often involves a large number of meetings. There is a risk that you can forget about the meeting, confuse hours, place … A traditional calendar is only a half-way solution. Unfortunately, the paper version does not have the function of setting reminders yet. However, the popular Google Calendar tool gives you the ability to set alerts and reminders. By keeping a meticulous record of meetings, you will also avoid the risk of two overlaps.