AIX Operating System Quiz

AIX Operating System Quiz

AIX Operating System Quiz contain set of 10 MCQ questions for AIX Operating System MCQ which will help you to clear beginner level quiz.

1) How do I know if my volume group is normal, big, or scalable
a) lsvg -a
b) lsvg
c) lspv
d) lsvg -l rootvg

2) How to check the detailed memory usage on system.
a) nmon
b) df -gt
c) lspv -m
d) prtconf

3) How do I activate a network interface
a) netstat -rn
b) ifconfig tr0 up
c) ifup eth0
d) route

4) How will you find LTG size.
a) lsvg vgname
b) lquerypv –M hdiskname
c) both (a) and (b)
d) None

5) How to unlink the created link for ASM.
a) unlink linkname
b) unlink -a
c) ulink linkname
d) All of the above

6) When does error demon start in boot process.
a) rc.boot phase 2
b) rc.boot phase 3
c) rc.boot phase 1
d) All of the above

7) Command to check the disk size in AIX.
a) df -s
b) bootinfo -s diskname
c) bootinfo -g diskname
d) None of the above

8) Where the file does the paging space stay.
a) etc/swapspaces
b) /etc/swap
c) /etc/partition
d) /etc/security

9) Which one is odd in above mentioned.
a) JFS
b) JFS2
c) UFS
d) All of the above

10)Command to check the configuration of the disk.
a) lscfg -vpl diskname
b) lsdev -Cc adapter
c) both (a) and (b)
d) None of the Above.