Azure Questions and Answers

Azure Questions and Answers

Azure Basic

1. What terms from the list below would be viewed as benefits of using cloud services?

Ans. Elasticity, Agility and Economies of scale seen as benefits that you can gain from using cloud services.

2. When looking at using a cloud service, what expenditure type are cloud services based on?

Ans. Cloud services operate on an Operational Expenditure model. It is regular, repeated expenditure that you pay for using cloud services.

3. Which of the following terms relate to making a service available with no downtime for an extended period of time?

Ans. High Availability

4. Which cloud models provide services that can be accessed by the public?

Ans. Public and Hybrid cloud models use services that can be accessed by the public. Hybrid cloud has a public and private element, hence the public part is accessible by the public

5. Which cloud model provides the greatest degree of ownership and control?

Ans. Private cloud models

6. What is PaaS?

Ans. Users can create and deploy an application as quickly as possible without having to worry about managing the underlying infrastructure

7. Every resource created in Azure must exist in one and only one what?

Ans. Resource group. Each resource must exist in one, and only one, resource group

8. How Microsoft use to determine Azure costs for each billing period

Ans. Usage meters are used to determine Azure costs for each billing period.

9. An Azure subscription is a logical unit of Azure services that is linked to an Azure account. Is it correct statement

Ans. Yes

10. Which Azure Service provides development collaboration tools including high-performance pipelines, free private Git repositories, configurable Kanban boards, and extensive automated and cloud-based load testing.

Ans. Azure DevOps

11. What is Serverless computing

Ans. Serverless computing is a cloud-hosted execution environment that runs your code but abstracts the underlying hosting environment. You create an instance of the service and you add your code. No infrastructure configuration or maintenance is required, or even allowed.

12. Which Service Azure provides as Serverless service

Ans. Azure Function Apps, Azure Logic Apps

13. What is Azure HDInsight

Ans. Azure HDInsight is a fully managed, open-source analytics service for enterprises. It is a cloud service that makes it easier, faster, and more cost-effective to process massive amounts of data. HDInsight allows you run popular open-source frameworks and create cluster types such as Apache Spark49, Apache Hadoop50, Apache Kafka51, Apache HBase52, Apache Storm53, Machine Learning Services54

14. What is Azure Data Lake Analytics

Ans. Azure Data Lake Analytics is an on-demand analytics job service that simplifies big data. Instead of deploying, configuring, and tuning hardware, you write queries to transform your data and extract valuable insights.

15. Which type of storage can manage thousands of simultaneous uploads, massive amounts of video data, constantly growing log files, and can be reached from anywhere with an internet connection.

Ans. Azure Blob Storage

Azure DevOps

16. What is Azure DevOps

Ans. Azure DevOps Services allows you to create, build, and release pipelines that provide continuous integration, delivery, and deployment for your applications. You can integrate repositories and application tests, perform application monitoring, and work with build artifacts. You can also work with and backlog items for tracking, automate infrastructure deployment, and integrate a range of third-party tools and services such as Jenkins and Chef.

17. CI/CD Pipeline can be created in Azure DevOps using

Ans. Azure Pipeline

18. Azure DevOps supports Build and Release which can be configured using ?

Ans. Azure Pipeline

19. In Azure DevOps Continuous Integration, includes the integration of multiple ?

Ans. Builds

20. Which tools are supports for Continuous Integration?

Ans. Azure Pipelines has support for all the platform like Linux, macOS and Windows and some of the tools that can be used for the Continuous Integrations are Jenkins, Bamboo, GitLab CI, CircleCI are some of the examples.

20. What services Azure DevOps Provides

Ans. Azure DevOps provides full application lifecycle management from planning to coding, and from testing to build and deploy

21. In Azure DevOps, Release pipeline is created on the top of what

Ans. Build pipeline

22. Which component of Azure DevOps act as a “online code repository with version control”

Ans. Azure Repos

23. What are Azure Repos

Ans. Azure Repos is a code version control system that can manage your code and its version.

24. What type of version control system supported by Azure Repos

Ans. Azure Repos supports Centralized version control system and distributed version control system.

25. Which is the default version control mechanism of Azure Repos

Ans. Git (distributed version control system)

26. Which services of Azure DevOps provides for project management

Ans. Azure Boards

27. In Azure DevOps the “yml” configuration file is associated with which DevOps component

Ans. Azure Pipeline

28. What is version controlling systems

Ans. Version control systems are a category of software tools that helps record changes to files by keeping a track of modifications done to the code

29. Continuous integration, Continuous delivery, and Continuous deployment

Ans. Continuous integration (CI) is a practice in which code versions are continuously integrated into a shared repository. Continuous delivery takes CI one step further by ensuring that after integration, the code base is ready to be released any time. Continuous deployment will have all updates in the code automatically deployed to the production environment immediately after the testing phase without any human intervention.

30. Azure DevOps is offered by Microsoft on Azure Cloud. It falls under which cloud service model

Ans. SaaS

Azure Agile

31. What is Agile

Ans. Agile gives you some values and principles where a team can decide what to do and what to use. Agile is not a methodology rather it provides various methodology that a team can use in order to follow Agile values and principles. So AGILE is a practice that promotes continuous iteration of development and testing throughout the software development lifecycle of the project.

32. In one line tell about DevOps vs. Agile

Ans. Both DevOps and agile are modern software development practices aimed at providing a framework to produce a part of a product, a launch, or a release. DevOps versus agile is that they are not mutually exclusive.

33. Difference between DevOps vs. Agile


34. How DevOps and agile work together

Ans. Both DevOps and agile offer a structure and framework that can speed software delivery. You do not need to choose between DevOps or agile—instead, you can make use of both methodologies. Agile is strong on methods to organise work, such as through Scrum or Kanban and DevOps drives a broader culture of getting software delivered faster and more reliably.

35. What is Scrum

Ans. The Scrum methodology follows the values and principles of agile. Scrum is an agile project management methodology or framework used primarily for software development projects with the goal of delivering new software capability every 2-4 weeks.

Azure Data Factory

36. What is integration runtime

Ans. The integration runtime is the compute infrastructure that Azure Data Factory uses to provide the data integration capabilities across various network environments:

37. Types of Integration runtime

Ans. There are three types

i) Azure Integration Run Time: Azure Integration Run Time can copy data between cloud data stores and it can dispatch the activity to a variety of compute services such as Azure HDinsight or SQL server.

ii) A Self Hosted IR can run copy activities between a public cloud data store and a data store in a private network. It can also dispatch transformation activities against compute resources in a private network.Eg On-Premises or Azure VM

iii) Azure SSIS Integration Run Time: The integration runtime natively executes SSIS packages in a managed Azure compute environment.

38. What are the four key components of Azure Data Factory

Ans. Pipelines, DataSets, Linked Services, Activities

39. How can I schedule a pipeline?

Ans. You can use the scheduler trigger or time window trigger to schedule a pipeline

40. What is the difference between Azure Data Lake store and Blob storage?

Ans. Azure Data Lake Storage: Optimized storage for big data analytics workloads with Hierarchical file system where as Azure Blob Storage: General purpose object store for a wide variety of storage scenarios, including big data analytics but object store with flat namespace.