How to speed up Google Chrome and reduce memory consumption by 95%?

How to speed up Google Chrome

How to speed up Google Chrome ? We don’t often write about the Chrome desktop browser, but when it comes to really convenient solutions, we can’t share them with our readers. This time it will concern its optimization. Everyone knows that he actively uses RAM resources with …

Russian hackers have modified the browsers Chrome and Firefox

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox were victims of the Turla

The Russian hacker group has modified the two most popular browsers. All this in order to gain access to TLS encrypted traffic. The Kaspersky team discovered the whole deal and decided to look at it. The Russian Turla group modified Chrome and Firefox browsers to get fingerprints …

Chrome will inform you of a potential password theft

Google Chrome

Google wants to help its users in data security. To this end, it will inform us of the required password change. The American giant is to work on the function of detecting password leaks. It would consist of tracking and directly checking the data we enter. If we …

The new Firefox 69 is now available

The Mozilla Firefox web browser version 69.0 is now available for download. The new build brings a lot of changes. The main one applies to users using Mac computers. The browser will consume less power on configurations equipped with two graphics cards. All thanks to automatic switching to …

How to enable private mode in every web browser

When working in private or incognito mode, no data from the browser is saved. This includes, but is not limited to, browsing history, cookies, passwords you entered, and other temporary information. However, remember that working in private mode does not mean that we are anonymous on …


Facebook successfully tries to force users to install their mobile Messenger application on their phone. Every time you try to enter a message on the FB mobile website (i.e. or ), the browser will redirect us to the Play Store to download this unfortunate messenger. IPhone users will …

How to remove unwanted ads and pop-ups from your browser

If you noticed that your browser has automatic pop-up ads or toolbars that you have not installed, then your computer has probably been infected with adware, which is primarily intended to display very intrusive ads. Adware is usually installed unknowingly with various types of free …

8 Ways How to speed up Google Chrome

Fast browser operation is important for all of us because it is the browser we use most of the time. Despite the fact that Google Chrome, because of this browser today is currently the fastest web browser, it can happen that it starts to work slowly …