Google Assistant : 300 OK Google voice commands you need to know

You can use Google voice commands with Google Assistant

300 OK Google voice commands – One of the most interesting and fun features available on Android is the Google Assistant. Through voice commands , it is possible to interact with artificial intelligence built into the operating system and perform a series of actions much faster. The secret is in …

What happens when you block someone on WhatsApp ?

When you block someone on WhatsApp what do they see

What happens when you block someone on WhatsApp? Many people ask themselves this question and there are many myths related to blockages. There are those who swear that it is possible to discover that this has happened while others are absolutely sure that the action will go …

Slow WiFi : 5 things that can slow Wi-Fi

What can slow down WiFi

How do I fix slow WiFi at home – As much as the speed of the internet that reaches your home is within the contracted franchise, you may still notice that the signal is slow in some rooms of the house. This is because there …

10 Tricks for you to completely command your computer

10 Tricks for you to completely command your computer

Command your computer – Those who work in front of the PC probably spend at least 8 hours a day using the Windows operating system . Still, we don’t know everything that the software offers. These tips for mastering your computer will help a lot. With them you …

How do I create a temporary email address ?

How do I create a temporary email address

How do I create a temporary email address – Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you have registered on a website and never needed to access it again? This situation is more common than you think. E-mail marketing tools often request a registration so that …

Privacy : 5 ways to surf the internet without leaving a trace

5 ways to surf the internet without leaving a trace

5 ways to surf the internet without leaving a trace – Protecting privacy while surfing the internet is what many people want. As much as they are not doing anything wrong, many do not want to have their history recorded and prefer complete anonymity. There are many …