5 curiosities about virtual attacks that you need to know to protect yourself

Virtual Attacks – As the volume of confidential information stored on online systems grows , so do attempts to attack that data. Knowing curiosities about the virtual attacks that occur in 2020 can be a way to prevent it. Although prevention methods have evolved considerably, hackers’ boldness has also grown …

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed

5 habits that technologies of the last years have killed – There are dozens of habits that the technologies of the past have killed. If you are over 20 years old, for example, you must remember that things were quite different when you were little. There …

Google Maps will expand street detailing

Google Maps will expand street detailing

Google Maps will expand street detailing – In addition to making Google Maps more colorful, Google plans to bring more information to those who need to get around safely and efficiently. “Soon, you will be able to see highly detailed street information that shows the …

Telegram X vs Telegram – Which one to choose?

Telegram X or Telegram - Which one to choose?

  Telegram X vs Telegram – Telegram is a cross-platform messaging application with over 100 million active users . It syncs on all devices it works on and has no download or upload limit . It is also encrypted with three technologies and the groups can contain up to 20,000 members. Telegram launched …


7 useful websites

USEFUL WEBSITES – You should probably have at least a dozen sites that are among your favorites. Information, entertainment, music, videos, everything you find on the internet . However, some pages are really creative and provide us with information or data that we were not expecting. This is …

From Hotmail to Outlook : The history of Microsoft webmail

From Hotmail to Outlook

The history of Hotmail, one of the biggest and most popular e-mail services of the 2000s, from its creation to its purchase by Microsoft, the decay and transformation of Outlook.com. If you used the old MSN Messenger from Microsoft, it is very likely that the …

17 Best apps to download movies on Android

Free Movies

Best apps to download movies – Although there are so many streaming services today, many people still prefer to download their favorite movies to watch even without an internet connection. Currently, there are some apps that allow this to be simpler on Android. If you are unsure which ones …