Are you choosing a new smartphone? Basic tips

Are you choosing a new smartphone.

Choosing the perfect smartphone that will meet your requirements and meet current trends is not easy. Especially if you do not understand the technique, and the variety of smartphones on the market scares you. Then we will give some tips and recommendations, after which the choice …

Why the Android smartphone charges slowly – Top 10 reasons

Why the Android smartphone charges slowly

Surely you remember those times when it took only an hour and a half to fully charge a new smartphone. Now it can take all night. Time passes and after a few hours your phone is charged only 20%. Or maybe it has never supported fast charging …

Three basic rules for using the flash drive safely

It is worth using the media carefully, and also secure them

Portable USB sticks are useful in both everyday and professional life. The data stored on them is often valuable and confidential. For the sake of their safety, it is worth using the media wisely and protecting them properly. Research shows that almost half of people who find …

Time for change? Here are the best job search sites and applications

CV is your business card

Have you finished your studies, want to develop professionally, or maybe you are completely changing your career path? The reasons may be different, but most of us will face the challenge of looking for a job sooner or later. It may happen that despite graduating from a …

How to Unlock the Bootloader and Root the OnePlus 7T/Pro

Unlock the bootloader with the command  fastboot oem unlock everyone knows, but what if we do not want to punch the unlock meter and lose data? A very friendly tool comes with help. OnePlus One Toolkit by manudroid19 At the beginning of the fun with OnePlus One, such …

Top 10 Best Android Selfie Apps

Selfie is probably the most popular type of photo that you can see when browsing social networking sites such as Facebook or Instagram. To take a good seflie picture using our smartphone, the default application available on Android may not be sufficient, because it does …

How to remove unwanted ads and pop-ups from your browser

If you noticed that your browser has automatic pop-up ads or toolbars that you have not installed, then your computer has probably been infected with adware, which is primarily intended to display very intrusive ads. Adware is usually installed unknowingly with various types of free …

8 Ways How to speed up Google Chrome

Fast browser operation is important for all of us because it is the browser we use most of the time. Despite the fact that Google Chrome, because of this browser today is currently the fastest web browser, it can happen that it starts to work slowly …