For regular YouTube visitors, ads can be a real pain. We’ll show you how to turn off your YouTube ads for a better, pain-free viewing experience.
The amount of quality content you can enjoy for free on YouTube is quite amazing. Of course, nothing is ever really cost-free, and this usually takes the form of ads. Most of these can be skipped after five seconds, which is a small price to pay for the content you receive, but more and more ads that you have to watch in full. Here’s how to block YouTube ads .
While we understand the economy involved, it is not at all nice to waste thirty seconds to show you a car that you do not intend to buy, especially when all you want to see is a two-minute prescription. Below we will explain how you can block ads on YouTube.
Also Read : Block ads on your Android phone with 3 simple methods
Table of Contents
Is ad blocking legal?
There is nothing illegal about blocking ads. In fact, the popular Adblock Plus app went through a lengthy process in 2015, where a group of German publishers said it was illegal for the app to block ads on their sites. But ultimately or deceived.
Of course, there is a stronger argument about the morality of ad blocking. Normally, you use a service for which the only cost to you is the durability of tracking your ads. This is a constant battle, because ads can prove intrusive when done poorly, making visiting a site unpleasant or unwanted.
Use ad blocker in your web browser
The easiest way to get rid of unwanted ads is to use an ad blocker. Most browsers have a large number of applications available, often free.
How to block Chrome ads
If you are a Chrome user, then the way to find and install ad blocker is to open a new tab, then click on the colored square grid in the upper left corner of the screen. On the next page, double-click the Web Store option, and then search for “ad blocker“. You will see a number of options in the Extensions section. Click More Extensions to open all the content offered.
One that we know is very good and used is Adblock Plus, mentioned above. Click the list of those you want to use, and then click the Add to Chrome button.
You should now see an icon on the right side of the search bar in Chrome. Clicking on it will display different settings that you can use with the software. Remember, if you use a site regularly, then you can add it to the blacklist of the app, this way every time you visit the site ads are blocked automatically.
How to block ads on Firefox
If Firefox is your favorite browser, then it’s almost the same method. Open a new tab and click the three lines in the upper right corner, then select Add-ons from the drop-down menu. Type “ad blocker” in the search box in the upper right corner, and select the application you want to use from the list that appears, and then click Install.
How to block ads on Microsoft Edge
As in the browsers above, ad blocker is available for Edge. To install, open a new tab, and then click the three dots in the upper right corner. From the drop-down menu, select Extensions, and then click Get Extensions from the Store option.
Now search for “adblock“, click the Adblock Plus icon and click Get. Adblock Plus will install and, after completion, should appear in the Extensions section. Click “Start” and you can start watching videos on YouTube without ads.
How to block ads on Internet Explorer
Click the wheel icon in the upper right corner, just below the X. Button, from the drop-down menu, select Manage Add-ons , then scroll down to the box that appears and click Find more toolbars and extensions …
Search again for adblock, choose one you want, click “Download application” and it should automatically install.
How to block ads on iPhone or iPad
What if Google would put Youtube a button to stop ads and give up revenue? If you want to block ads you see on your iPhone or iPad, you can download an app like Adblock Plus or Crystal from the App Store, both of which can be used in Safari.
How to block creatives on Android
While Android is usually a more open platform than iOS, Google often finds ways to stop ad blocking. At the moment it is unclear which is the best way to view videos without ads, but one option worth trying is to install a dedicated browser that has a built-in lock. Currently, our favorite is Adblock Browser for Android , which is free and can be found in the Play Store.
Even our site uses advertising. So if you always want to read quality articles, think about how willing you are to support it financially.
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