Address list:
An address list is a collection of recipient and other AD DS objects. It can contain one or more
types of objects, such as users, contacts, groups, public folders, conferencing, and other
resources. Address lists also provide a mechanism to partition mail-enabled objects in Active
Directory for the benefit of specific groups of users.
Steps to Create a Address List:
1. Open EMC, Navigate to Mailbox under the Organization on the left side tree.
Select the ‘Addres Lists’ tab and on the extreme right side ,under Actions, select “New Address List”
2. You will be presented with the below wizard, type the name for the Address List and then click Next.
3. You have to select the filter for the recipients, which means it has to include the recipients from the AD from which location?
You can select the root of your domain or any OU.
Here We have to select the Marketing OU, where i have the marketing users.
4. In the next screen, you can setup further conditions, based on state or province,department,company and then the custom attributes.
For example, under the marketing OU, you might have users from different company lets a ABC and XYZ.
If you want this address list to contain only XYZ users in this user list, you can enter that condition here by selecting the company.
You have to make sure that it is type the same as in the USEr’s properties.
Alternatively, you can click on the preview button to see if the filter works.Once you done here, click next.
5.Next Windows is about schedule on when to run your address list, select immediate, so the address list will be created now. If not , you can setup a schedule , so it will be created then.
6. Next screen, review the summary and then click Finish.You will have you new Address list created.
PowerShell Command
New-AddressList -Name MyAddressList -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq ‘UserMailbox’) -and ((StateOrProvince -eq ‘Washington’) -or (StateOrProvince -eq ‘Oregon’)))}