Jenkins Quiz

Jenkins Quiz

Jenkins Quiz : This Jenkins Beginner Quiz contains set of Top 30 Jenkins Quiz which will help to clear any Mcqs exam which is designed for Beginner.

Topics covered related to Jenkins, what is jenkins, jenkins software, cicd jenkins, jenkins cicd, ci cd with jenkins, cicd with jenkins, ci jenkins, jenkins ci, build jenkins, enterprise jenkins, jenkins enterprise, jenkins building, ci with jenkins, jenkins ci cd pipeline, jenkins server, ci cd jenkins, continuous integration with jenkins, continuous integration jenkins, jenkins | devops, jenkins ci cd and so on.

1) Where does details of a build can be available ?

a) Build histrory

b) Console Output

c) Dashboard

d) Settings

2) What is Unity Build?

a) Distributed Builds

b) Combining Source files into one file to reduce file access

c) Build Nesting

d) Sequential Processing

3) what are the possible actions you will perform to fix a broken build in Jenkins

a) check console output for missing file changes

b) clean and update local workspace

c) check job configuration

d) All the above

4) Which are the basic ways to build job can be triggered ?

a) Start a build job once another build job has completed

b) Kick off builds at periodical intervals

c) Poll the SCM for changes

d) All of the above

5) Which build project to be created to execute cron jobs?

a) Maven project

b) Monitor an external job

c) Free Style software project

d) Multiconfiguration job

6) Which of these options can be implemented to improve build speed?

a) 1.Build Avoidance 2.Incremental Builds

b) 1.Distributed Builds 2.Sequential Processing

c) 1.Build Publishing 2.Distributed Builds

d) 1. Build Nesting 2. Asynchornous Processing

7) which one of the following is functionality of continuous integration?

a) repository management

b) code versioning

c) code quality metrics

d) configuration management

8) What is Self-testing build?

a) directly go from source to running build

b) Nightly builds

c) scheduled integration points

d) Building via IDEs

9) What are the Best practices of CI?

a) Automate the Build and Deployment

b) Make the build fast and self-testing

c) test in a clone of the production environment

d) All of the above

10) Why use CI?

a) Rapid feedback and Reduced Risk

b) Offload from people

c) Collective ownership

d) All of the above

11) Which of the following is not support by CI ?

a) Automated build process

b) Automated deployment to production

c) Automated unit test

d) Automated code quality checks

12) what is Continuous Deployment ?

a) The practice of automatically deploying every successful build directly into production

b) The practice of automatically deploying every successful build after testing success, directly into production with fully automated process

c) Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery are same

d) None of the above

13) How to upgrade Jenkins installation ?

a) using jenkins.war file or through web interface

b) cannot upgrade

c) Depends on platform support

d) using jenkins.war file only

14) what is the use of fork in GIT?

a) used to view changes in public repository

b) trigger changes

c) creates personal copy of respository for making changes

d) to checkout repository

15) Minimum system Requirement for Jenkins Installation-

A) JDK 1.5 or above

B) 2 GB RAM (recommended)

C) WAR file can be run in any container that supports Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 or later.(An example is Tomcat 5).

D) It has to be ensured that sufficient disk space is available for build storage.

a) A), C) D)

b) A) , B) C)

c) B), C) D)

d) All of the above

16) Which commands are used to install GIT ?

a) apt-get install GIT-core yum install GIT-core

b) yum install GIT

c) apt-get install GIT

d) None

17) What Jenkins cannot do?

A) Generate test reports

B) Integrate with many different Version Control Systems

C) Push to various artifact repositories

D) Enviromental provisioning

a) B)

b) D

c) C)

d) A)

18) what are the different code quality metrics that can be setup for any project ?

a) Code metrics unit test percentage

b) static code analysis security code analysis

c) code coverage automated tests success/pass ratio

d) All of the above

19) What is Jenkins ?

a) Continuous integration tool

b) Continuous delivery tool

c) Option A and B

d) None of the above

20) Which of the scripts are used by jenkins to execute builds?

a) Python

b) Ruby

c) Groovy

d) All of the above

21) Which of the following platforms supports Jenkins installation ?

a) a)Windows b)MAC OS X c)Unix-Like OS

b) a)Windows b)Unix-Like OS

c) a)Windows only

d) Linux only

22) what is the use of pom xml ?

a) to handle build dependencies

b) to handle project dependencies

c) to handle emvironment variables

d) to handle job dependencies

23) which of the following are build tools used for Java projects ?

a) msbuild

b) jenkins

c) ant, maven

d) ansible

24) Which tool can be used to perform static code analysis for .net project?

a) Gradle

b) MsBuild

c) FxCop

d) stash

25) what does the maven “clean package” goal does during the maven build?

a) keep old build artifacts, compiles code and generate new build artifacts in WAR

b) package existing build artifacts and generate TAR

c) replace existing artifacts with new build artifact and generate zip

d) remove previous build artifacts, compiles code and generate JAR

26) Identify statements which are true :

a) A)Java solution can be built with MSBuild

b) .Net solution can be built with MSBuild

c) All Programming language can be built using WinBuild

d) .NET solution can be built with WinBuild

27) which is the opensource code coverage tool that works well with both Maven and Jenkins

a) Cobertura
b) Findbugs


d) pom

28) Name the correct unite test plugin for .NET project :

a) MSTestRunner Plugin

b) JUnit Plugin

c) Nunit plugin

d) None of the above

29) In Maven, you run your unit tests by invoking the____________ phase

a) continuous integration phase

b) test life cycle phase

c) nightly builds phase

d) automated testing

30) To run your tests in Ant, you need to call the _____________task

a) junit

b) maven

c) msbuild

d) pom