When medical devices and solutions aimed at recovery lead to additional health concerns, it’s rather disappointing. That’s been the case with the transvaginal mesh implants posing dangers to women’s reproductive health.
In July 2023, The Journal reported that a group of women had undergone debilitating repercussions as an outcome of using the transvaginal mesh. As a result, there are thoughts about banning this device permanently and addressing the concerns of women who have faced acute pain, earning loss, and costly bills as a part of their medical treatment.
A group named, ‘Mesh Survivors Ireland’ had been created with more than 600 women, who accumulated outside Dail for several hours to point towards the need to redress the concerns of transvaginal mesh. They also highlighted the importance of providing the necessary assistance for the survivors, such as giving them access to medical cards.
In this article, we will discuss the complications of transvaginal mesh that women should know about and how to seek legal assistance to cover the damages endured.
The Risks of Transvaginal Mesh
A transvaginal mesh is a medical device made of synthetic plastic that gets implanted inside the body to assist organs. The mesh is used to prevent urinary stress incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. A few women who protested about the dangers of this device stated that they weren’t given correct guidance on the device and its side effects.
Several women also asked why this procedure was recommended to them. For instance, a woman said that all she needed were Tena pads. And now that she had the implant, it caused her ample pain for years.
A 73-year-old woman named Lilian said that she joined the women’s survivor group when she saw the ad on television to raise awareness. She shared that she was put on the mesh procedure at 50 years old. It was only when she saw the news that she thought she wasn’t the only one facing complications.
Lilian shared that it felt like the device was pushed against her body. She felt the pressure of getting the device implanted when she had no idea about it. After the operation, she had acute pain that didn’t allow her to walk. She said that she felt she was being experimented on and, by now, had spent close to $54,000 on private healthcare to remedy this condition.
Many women, like Lilian, have suffered after getting the transvaginal mesh implanted in their bodies. In an attempt to seek justice and the compensation they deserve, they have filed a vaginal mesh lawsuit that is raising concern about this issue and alerting other women.
Complications of Transvaginal Mesh
Women who opted for the vaginal mesh had problems during intercourse, walking, sitting, and taking part in other activities. The degree of complications was so severe that many women suffered from various revision surgeries for taking out the implant.
The complications include:
- Erosion: It takes place when the implant damages internal organs and vaginal walls.
- Pain: The device has a chance to cause damage to nerves, cause pain and scarring, and even cut through tissues.
- Infection: The studies highlight that the bacteria can develop on implants and lead to infections.
- Urinary issues: The device can block the bladder and make it difficult to urinate.
- Recurring prolapses: Even if the mesh surgery is successful, the implant might fail, which can lead to prolapse.
- Recurring incontinence: Some women experience aggravating incontinence symptoms of the rectum or bladder.
Seeking Legal Assistance
Women have often cited side effects of the transvaginal mesh that included organ perforation and bleeding as well. One of the biggest settlements for transvaginal mesh lawsuits included a payout of $830 million for close to 20,000 cases. Even though the MDL was closed in November 2022, today women still have access to file lawsuits in the state courts.
Keeping in mind the concerns and complications shared above, many countries today have issued restrictions and warnings for surgical mesh devices. TorHoerman Law states that to date, close to 100,000 lawsuits have been filed on behalf of women who have been affected by these devices. If you have faced similar consequences, it is necessary to get in touch with an expert lawyer who will help you with your legal battle and ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve.
Your lawyer will ask you to get the necessary evidence in terms of hospital bills, medical records, witness, and personal testimony. They will also ask you to get proof of all the financial losses and any crucial healthcare data that can act as evidence to build a compelling case. Once you get legal compensation, you can cover all your economic and non-economic damages.
In conclusion, women must be careful about their reproductive health and choose medical devices with the utmost care and correct know-how. The transvaginal mesh seems to be shrouded in side effects that no one would want to experience. However, if you have suffered after using the device, you need to opt for both medical and legal assistance.