25 interesting facts about the internet

Welcome back Guys, Hope you all are doing good stay connected with us for more tech updates.So here we are with 25 interesting facts about the internet.

1. The first website was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. The site works so far, you can see it here .


2. The first video on YouTube was added on April 23 in 2005. A short video was recorded at the San Diego Zoo by Jawed Karim under the name “Me at the zoo“.



3.  Facebook earns an average of $ 5.85 per user in the US.

4.  38% of online content is pornography.

5. Facebook has over 1.8 billion active users.

6. The Internet currently has 11,150 days, you can check it at: howoldistheinter.net

7. The most popular video on YouTube is still “Gangnam Style“. Currently the video has been viewed over 3.4 billion times.

8. symbolics.com was the first registered domain.

9. Currently, people spend more time using the internet on smartphones than computers.

10. According to Google, the internet contains 5 million terabytes of data (1TB = 1,000GB), and only 0.04% of the total is indexed. According to this, the entire internet would fit on 200 Blu-Ray discs.

11. Over 250 trillion emails are sent daily, 81% of which is spam.

12.  72 minutes of video files are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

13. The most expensive keyword in Google Adwords is “Insurance”.

14. This is what Facebook looked like in 2004.


15.  Over 4.5 trillion photos have been added on Instagram for 4.5 years, with more than 50,000 more photos every minute.

16. Over 30,000 websites are hacked daily.

17.  Google was originally called “Backrub“.

18.  If you type “askew” on Google, the search results will lean slightly to the right.

19.  Google intends to scan all 129 million books by 2020.

20.  Apple in 2012 sold 340,000 phones a day.

21.  Cell phones have 18 times more bacteria than door handles in public toilets.

22.  Google hired a camel to create Street View images from the desert.

23. Facebook tracks pages that you visit even after logging out.

24. According to surveys, 1/3 of people feel more dissatisfied with their lives after using Facebook.

25.  Services such as Twitter, Facebook and The New York Times have been blocked in China since 2009.