Tomcat Solved MCQ

Tomcat Solved MCQ


Tomcat Solved MCQ contain set of 10 MCQ questions for Tomcat MCQ which will help you to clear beginner level quiz.

1.    Where do you make resource-name entry for jdbc when configuring JDBC for web application in tomcat

  1. META-INF/web.xml
  2. META-INF/context.xml
  3. WEB-INF/context.xml
  4. WEB-INF/web.xml

2.    _______ will allow you to load properties file in Tomcat

  1. ResorceAllocater
  2. PropertyBundle
  3. PropertyLoader
  4. ResourceBundle 

3.     While creating multiple virtual hosts, host entry is made into which configuration file

  1. host.xml
  2. hostname.xml
  3. server.xml
  4. config.xml

4.    HTTP ERROR 401 is thrown. What does this mean?


5.    If you want to clear Tomact Cache while using web application then from which location we need to clear?

  1. Tomcat_HOME/webapps
  2. Tomcat_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/
  3. Tomcat_HOME/Catalog
  4. Tomcat_HOME/catalog/localhost/cache

6.    The SSLEngine attribute by default is set as

  1. SSLEngine=”off”
  2. SSLEngine=”on”
  3. SSLEngine=”8443″
  4. SSLEngine=”443″

7.    Which of these valves can be used for Tomcat configuration???

  1. Access Log
  2. Remote Address Filter
  3. Request Dumper
  4. All the above

8.    What does MAC stands for in tomcat?

  1. medium application control
  2. multiple access control
  3. medium access control
  4. medium access configuration

9.    _________ is to hide private IP address from public IP address and give a certain level of security to the organization.

  1. NAT protocol
  2. HTTP Protocol
  3. APJ Protocol
  4. None of the above

10.  _________ is a new technology is introduced with Tomcat 4 which enables you to link an instance of a Java class with a specific Catalina container.

  1. Tomcat Jasper
  2. Tomcat Casper
  3. Tomcat JSP
  4. Tomcat Valve​