Google will better protect your privacy

Google wants to protect our data

After the recently announced Incognito mode for Google Maps, the American giant goes a step further in privacy issues.

Google wants to protect our data
Google wants to protect our data


Big companies are finally beginning to notice that the issue of personal data protection is one of the most important things users pay attention to. No wonder that Google, which has been collecting real pyramids of our data for years, has decided to do something in this regard.

Just a few days ago we wrote about the new Incognito mode in Google maps, which will allow us to hide our location or searched places.

I am talking about the option of automatically deleting history from the YouTube platform. Thanks to it, we can set the date of “storing” data ourselves. After its expiry, everything we have seen so far on the popular video portal will be immediately removed. Similarly, we will be able to delete any information and activity of the Google assistant. All this to increase security.

Google has also announced the introduction of a new tool to check the security of our passwords.

Will the new features help attract Google users who have shunned this type of service so far? We’ll see soon.