Instagram allows you to add lyrics to Instagram Story on your Android phone


Add lyrics to Instagram Story on your Android phone – Instagram keeps up with the trends and adds new options to the Android app. Now you can add the lyrics of a song to Instastory.

The Android app from Instagram allowed, when adding an Instagram Story, to add a song . Now they came up with something extra. A kind of karaoke , so that those who see and listen to your Instastory can play with it.

The new option, was launched on July 6, allows users to add music and lyrics to Instagram Story , whether it’s a photo or video. This way you can even play, as close to the truth, the vibe of a moment, a party or a concert .

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How to add lyrics to Instagram Story

It seems that the option launched by Instagram is not yet valid on all Android phones , but to be sure you can use it, you need to have the application update updated . It is only a matter of time until it is accessible on all phones.

To add lyrics to an Instagram Story you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Select to create a new Story .
  • Select Music .
  • Find your favorite song and select it.
  • Choose the moment in the song you want to start from.
  • In the next window you can adjust on which side of the screen the lyrics will be displayed, how large the font will be and what color it will have.
  • It is also possible to adjust the playback of the lyrics and synchronize them with the moment of the song that will start with the Instagram story.


Those who will see your Instagram Story will also see the lyrics displayed , interact with them and see more information about the artist, as well as listening to the song you choose.

What options do you use in Instagram Story? Reply to us in a comment below!


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