Actuate BI Quiz

Actuate BI Quiz


Actuate BI Quiz contain set of 100 MCQ questions for Actuate BI MCQ which will help you to clear beginner level quiz.

1) In Actuate Basic, what type of variables are created using Dim statement?

  1. Local and Static
  2. Local and Instance
  3. Local and Global
  4. Global and Static

Answer : B

2) In eRD Pro, you are _____________ when you drag-and-drop a frame or a control from a palette.

  1. Referencing
  2. Copying
  3. Subclassing
  4. All of the above

Answer : C

3) In Actuate Basic, ______________ can be used to see if an object reference variable is empty.

  1. Is Object
  2. Is Empty
  3. Is Nothing
  4. None of the above

Answer : C

4) In Actuate Basic, a Global variable of type Variant is by default intialized as ____

  1. 0
  2. Null
  3. Nothing
  4. Empty

Answer : D

5) In Actuate Basic, how is the object reference variable declared if the Object’s class is unknown.

  1. Dim handle As AnyClass
  2. Dim handle As Empty
  3. Dim handle As Unknown
  4. Dim handle As Object

Answer : A

6) In eRD Pro, If the ShowHeaderOnFirst property on the AcReportSection is set to AsPageHeader, which of the following is True?

  1. The column headers appear after the Before frame.
  2. The page header does not appear on the first page.
  3. The page header appears before the Before frame.
  4. None of the above

Answer : C

7) In Actuate Basic, formatting a string with the Str function returns ___________ data type.

  1. Object
  2. String
  3. Variant
  4. Empty

Answer : C

8) In eRD Pro, if the Data Row has a developer defined computed variable on it, what method is used to compute new values for the computed data row variable?

  1. New
  2. SetValue
  3. GetValue
  4. OnRead

Answer : D

9) In eSS, if each Country’s data should be shown in a separate sheet along with the Country Name on the Sheet, what Report functions should be used on the Sheet?

  1. sheet(Country)
  2. group(Country)
  3. sheet(Country)
  4. group(Country)
  5. None of the above

Answer : B

10) in eRD Pro, what data type cannot be used for creating parameters?

  1. String
  2. Currency
  3. Boolean
  4. Long

Answer : D

11) State True or False. Global methods can be defined in Actuate Report.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

12) State True or False. We can connect to 2 different types of database via the same Actuate report?

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

13) State True or False. We can use Sub query in Actuate report.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

14) State True or False. A Report design can be used within another report design.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

15) Which option is not valid when you choose to create a new report, Actuate e.Report Designer Professional offers.

  1. Quick Report
  2. Blank Report
  3. Listing Report
  4. Smart Report

Answer : D

16) When you Build and Run the report object executable(.rox) file, Actuate e.Report Designer Professional does not perform.

  1. instantiating classes
  2. retrieving data from specified sources
  3. Creates a report object instance (.roi) file
  4. Creates an Excel output

Answer : D

17) When we save the Report Parameters Actuate saves it into.

  1. .LRX
  2. .ROV
  3. .ROW
  4. .ROX

Answer : B

18) Which Helper Tool is used within ERDPro to hold the objects temporarily

  1. Library Browser
  2. Scratch Pad
  3. Component Editor
  4. Global Browser

Answer : B

19) What are the different types of Data Stream?

  1. Graphical Query
  2. Textual Query/Stored Procedure
  3. Custom Data Source
  4. All of the above

Answer : D

20) What is a Information Object output file

  1. .DOI
  2. .ROI
  3. .ROW
  4. None of the Above

Answer : A

21) Which Service accept requests from applications and balances the load across the other services in the cluster

  1. Message Distribution Services
  2. View Services
  3. Factory Services
  4. Encyclopedia Services

Answer : A

22) State True or False. Actuate supports Unicode data representation?

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

23) Which method can be used to get the value of another control within the same frame

  1. GetControlValue()
  2. GetValue()
  3. GetVariableName()
  4. GetObject()

Answer : A

24) ………………. Method can be used to give a customized name to the report output file?

  1. SuggestROIName()
  2. SuggestROLName()
  3. SuggestROJName()
  4. None of the above

Answer : A

25) Which method can be used to discard the ROI file after report Generation?

  1. RoiIsTemporary()
  2. TemporaryROI()
  3. IsTemporaryROI()
  4. RemROI()

Answer : A

26) When creating dynamic formatting based upon the value of an aggregate control, the custom code should be entered into the ………….. Method.

  1. Start()
  2. Finish()
  3. BuildFromRow()
  4. SetValue()

Answer : B

27) Dim Statements create a ………………….. Variable?

  1. Regular
  2. Static
  3. Local
  4. Global

Answer : C

28) If you need a filter used with an aggregate function, which clause is used?

  1. WhereClause
  2. HavingClause
  3. GroupByClause
  4. OrderbyClause

Answer : B

29) To customize a sql statement in order to make use of clauses such as Create Table, Insert,Update and Delete, the methods in the ………………. Class are ususlly overwritten.

  1. AcDataBaseSource()
  2. AcObtainSelectStatement()
  3. AcDBStatement()
  4. AcTextQuerySourced()

Answer : C

30) The Scope of the Report Component is

  1. The Root name
  2. The root superclass name.
  3. The Global name.

Answer : D

31) After making changes to a library component, what must you do to all the reports that use the customized object?

  1. compile
  2. run
  3. re-import
  4. nothing

Answer : A

32) State True or False. Function IIF can be used in both the Expression Builder and in an SQL statement?

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

33) Use the ……………… property on a control to enter aggregate expressions.

  1. ValueExp
  2. DataValue
  3. ValueType
  4. AnalysisType

Answer : A

34) State True or False. The Start method is generally overwritten in order to initialize global parameters.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

35) State True or False. Group Key defined in Group Section is case sensitive.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

36) State True or False. If a controls ShowWhenViewing property is set to false the control will not be visible in PDF output.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

37) State True or False. Executable programs can be invoked from report output based on some event.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

38) String compare function StrComp() returns a Null value if

  1. String1 > String2
  2. String1 = String2
  3. String1< String2
  4. String1 = Null

Answer : D

39) State True or False. If a Group Section is used in a report it will always sort the data.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

40) What property or method we should use to help text appears when users hover a cursor over a control.

  1. BalloonHelp()
  2. Mouseover()
  3. HelpText()
  4. None of the Above

Answer : A

41) How many report types does Acutate erdPro support (ReportType property on the report root)?

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 1

Answer : C

42) What function will be predominaltly used for building dynamic contents

  1. OnRow
  2. MakeContents
  3. Build
  4. New

Answer : B

43) What is the datatype of AcTwips?

  1. Integer
  2. Double
  3. Long
  4. OneInch

Answer : A

44) When used in search expressions, the pattern MX150[1-5] matches

  1. MX150
  2. MX1505
  3. mx1555
  4. MX

Answer : B

45) Browser Scripting Control code can interpret

  1. Java applets
  2. VBScript
  3. HTML
  4. All of the above

Answer : D

46) ____________ is a place marker in a program being debugged causing execution to be halted.

  1. Msgbox
  2. SetClipboard
  3. Breakpoint
  4. Halt

Answer : C

47) State True or False. Stored Procedure Data Source Builder supports only stored procedures and stored functions that return one result set.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

48) What is the command to retain the data in an existing array when resize is done to the the last dimension.

  1. ReDim
  2. ReDim Preserve
  3. UBound
  4. LBound

Answer : B

49) State True or False. Randomize keyword should be used before Rnd usage for generating random numbers.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

50) In Actuate Basic, how is a user-defined variable or record structure created?

  1. .End Type
  2. .End Declare
  3. Alias
  4. None of the Above

Answer : A

51) Actuate SQL does not support

  1. Informix
  2. FoxPro
  3. Sybase
  4. SQL Server

Answer : B

52) In eRD Prod, how do you remove references to obsolete properties?

  1. Report->Build
  2. Report->Verify Design
  3. Report->Referesh Data
  4. Report->Build and Run

Answer : B

53) State True or False. Option Base statement have effect on arrays within user-defined types?

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

54) State True or False. Does Option Base statement have effect on arrays within user-defined types?

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

55) To find spaces in the middle of a string which function is used?

  1. InStr
  2. InStrB
  3. MidB
  4. MidB$

Answer : A

56) Which statement halts the program and displays an error message when a given condition is False.

  1. Stop
  2. Halt
  3. Seek
  4. Assert

Answer : D

57) State Yes or No. Do we require using the Call keyword when you call a procedure?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer : B

58) State True or False. When Erase statement refers to a fixed array, Erase reinitializes the contents of the array and free up the memory.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

59) Which statement used to de-allocates memory reserved for dynamic arrays

  1. Clear
  2. Erase
  3. Release
  4. Empty

Answer : B

60) State True or False. Actuate information objects can be converted into XML format.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

61) Select the XML properties that e.Report Designer Professional supports for XML Data in Component Editor

  1. XMLElement
  2. XMLCustom
  3. XMLText
  4. XMLTag

Answer : D

62) What is the default value for XMLType Properties Data in Component Editor?

  1. XMLAttribute
  2. XMLCustom
  3. XMLElement
  4. XMLIgnore

Answer : D

63) State True or False. A variable can contain Null value. If the variable has not been initialized.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

64) State Yes or No. Can we use ReDim to resize a fixed-size array?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer : B

65) What is the result for Format (3434.2899,”General number”)

  1. 289
  2. 29
  3. 38
  4. 2899

Answer : D

66) What is the result for Format (3434.2899,”#,###,##0.0″)

  1. 3,434.2
  2. 3
  3. 0,003,434.2
  4. 0,003,434.3

Answer : B

67) Select the Visibility properties that e.Report Designer Professional does not supports in Component Editor

  1. ShowInDHTML
  2. ShowInPDF
  3. ShowInReportlet
  4. ShowInPrinting

Answer : D

68) What is not an Editor tool in e.Report Designer Professional?

  1. Design Editor
  2. Query Editor
  3. Textual Query Editor
  4. Graphical Query Editor

Answer : D

69) State True or False. You cannot publish that report’s ROX to an Actuate iServer in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

70) Query output displays data in columns and rows using which property

  1. ReportType
  2. ReportOutputType
  3. QueryType
  4. DataType

Answer : A

71) State True or False. We cannot Modify the value of one or more variables or array elements at run time.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer : B

72) Which statement Trap errors while program is running?

  1. On Error
  2. Error
  3. Err
  4. Erl

Answer : A

73) To create an reference from one control to another control, in the same frame, a Dim and Set statement or the Object Variable property may be used to create a reference. What other method may be used?

  1. FindContentByClass()
  2. FindContentByClassID()
  3. GetControl()
  4. GetClassID()

Answer : C

74) Which statement generate random numbers?

  1. Randomize
  2. Rand
  3. Random
  4. Rndm

Answer : A

75) Which statement is used to assign a value to a variable?

  1. Let
  2. Set

Answer : A

76) State True or False.
GroupInterval overwrites GroupOn to control how data is grouped in the report.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer : B

77) Which function Returns the line number for the most recent run-time error.

  1. ERL
  2. ERR
  3. ERROR
  4. ELR

Answer : D

78) In eRD Pro, if a database connection component is used, what is the default scope of this class?

  1. Report
  2. Global
  3. Local
  4. None of the above

Answer : A

79) When reading data from a disk file, Get statement cannot be used on files opened in ___________ mode.

  1. Random
  2. Binary
  3. Input
  4. All of the above

Answer : C

80) In eRD Pro, __________ can be used to change the value of a variable in the debugging mode of the report.

  1. Variables window
  2. Call Stack window
  3. Properties window
  4. Watch window

Answer : D

81) When dragging and dropping components pallete, you are actually

  1. Referencing the componenets
  2. Subclassing the componenets
  3. Copying the components
  4. Publishing the componenets

Answer : B

82) State True or False.
When Erase refers to a fixed array, it reinitializes the contents of the array but does not free up memory.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

83) State Yes or No. In eRD Pro, when an instance of the class is created using CreateJavaObject, is the class’s constructor invoked?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer : B

84) In eSpreadsheet, ___________ object in e.Spreadsheet API is used to access the workbook through a callback class

  1. WorkBook
  2. ExcelWorkBook
  3. WorkSheets
  4. BookModel

Answer : D

85) In eSpreadsheet, _____ is used in a report script function if you want to search for an asterisk.

  1. Asterisk (*)
  2. Question mark (?)
  3. Tilde (~)
  4. None of them.

Answer : C

86) In eSpreadsheet, if the report output name need to be dynamically generated, _____ parameter should be used.

  1. Run-Time
  2. View-Time
  3. System
  4. Global

Answer : C

87) State True or False. If a Dynamic Text control is placed in a PageFooter frame, the height of the PageFooter frame adjusts according to the height of the Dynamic Text control.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

88) In eRD Pro, ___________ function is used to determine whether a Variant variable contains a value.

  1. IsNumeric
  2. IsNull
  3. IsEmpty
  4. None of the above

Answer : C

89) In eRD Pro, ____________ component determines the area of the page where report data appears when you run or print the report.

  1. Page
  2. Flow
  3. PageList
  4. Frame

Answer : B

90) In eRD Pro, ____________ variable applies to all instances of a class and its subclasses.

  1. Instance
  2. Local
  3. Static
  4. None of the above

Answer : C

91) State True or False. In eRD Pro, the Dynamic Text control can change its size both vertically and horizontally.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : B

92) If eRD Pro, _______________ variables are used only in the Factory and is not written to the ROI.

  1. Persistent
  2. Volatile
  3. Transient
  4. None of the above

Answer : C

93) On which file format parameter file will be stored?

  1. .ROS
  2. .ROI
  3. .ROV
  4. .RHM

Answer : C

94) In eRD Pro, if you’re showing the number of order totals by City in a bar chart, and suppose if the data source does not include data for London office, what should be done to make sure London is shown in the X-axis with zero order total on Y-axis?

  1. Create a variable in the chart’s category key and assign London to the variable.
  2. Create a static group on London.
  3. Actuate by default creates the London category.
  4. Not possible to show categories that the data source does not return.

Answer : B

95) The __________ method on the data source component is executed for each row.

  1. Start
  2. Fetch
  3. OnRow
  4. BuildFromRow

Answer : B

96) If a report is to be designed for report bursting, the detail report’s PageList component should be ________ from the master report’s PageList component.

  1. Referenced
  2. Subclassed
  3. Copied
  4. No relation is required.

Answer : A

97) AcEllipseControl, AcImageControl, AcLineControl, and AcRectangleControl are all drawing elements. Which of these do not appear in a DHTML rpeort output?

  1. AcEllipseControl
  2. AcImageControl
  3. AcLineControl
  4. AcRectangleControl

Answer : A

98) When a user attempts to cancel a report (.rox) which he scheduled and if the status on this attempt is returned as Failed in your IDAPI code, which of the following is true?

  1. The report is complete before the cancellation attempt.
  2. The report is completed during the cancellation attempt
  3. The report is in running state, so could not be cancelled.
  4. Both A and B

Answer : D

99) In Actuate SQL, which of the following is supported?

  1. UNION
  4. All of the above

Answer : C

100) ________ and _______ are two services managed by iServer, related to Information Objects.

  1. Actuate Data Access Service and Actuate View Service
  2. Actuate Data Access Service and Actuate Print Service
  3. Actuate Integration Service and Actuate Caching Service
  4. None of the above

Answer : C

101) _______________is the root object in a report object instance.

  1. AcVisual Component
  2. AcReport
  3. AcComponent
  4. None Of the Above

Answer : B

102) Band Operator used for ___________

  1. AND Operation
  2. OR operation
  3. Change the Bandwidth of the Data
  4. Bitwise AND

Answer : D

103) The only control that supports any Code that a Web Brower can interper in Actuate erdPRO is _______________

  1. Dynamic Text Control
  2. Browser scripting control
  3. Frame Control
  4. Chart Control

Answer : B

104) What will be output file of eSS?

  1. XLS
  2. SOX
  3. SOI
  4. None Of the Above

Answer : A

105) Can we run one Report range wizard in an sheet which already has another Report Range wizard within itself.

  1. Cannot be Done,Error generated.
  2. Can be Done
  3. NA
  4. NA

Answer : B

106) GetTextWidth function Returns the width of a text string in twips.

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A