Scheduling Approaches In Real Time Operating System

Scheduling Approaches In Real Time Operating System In Real Time Operating System there are mainly three scheduling approaches which are used to schedule the tasks. Clock driven Weighted round-robin Priority driven Clock driven approach On initialising the system Scheduler decides the tasks that have to …

Real Time Systems – Definition from Trenovision

Operating Systems Operating System acts as a middle man between the user and the computer hardware. Goals of the Operating System Executes user programs and makes problem solving easier Makes computer system convenient to use. Use the hardware in an efficient manner. Modeling an Operating …

Wase Solution | Real Time Operating Systems | RTOS | Solved | Assignment

Wase Solution | Real Time Operating Systems | RTOS | Solved | Assignment   RTOS Assignment below are the some of the solved RTOS Assignment question. 1. Construct a Raspberry Pi model Robot system for HR system in an organization to assess an employee’s contribution. …

Effort Estimation – Definition from Trenovision

Effort Estimation In software development, effort estimation is the process of predicting the most realistic amount of effort (expressed in terms of person-hours or money) required to develop or maintain software based on incomplete, uncertain and noisy input. Effort estimates may be used as input to project plans, iteration plans, budgets, investment …

Field Testing – Definition from Trenovision

Field Testing Field testing is performed to ensure the device is built to standardized specifications by validating the device hardware and software. A few of the things this involves are checking basic features like Call performance (monitor point and monitor route testing), interoperability testing and …

Risk Mitigation and Contingency Plan | Explained

What is Risk ? Risk is an uncertain future event or condition that, if it occurs, has a negative impact on a project’s objectives. Project Risk is always in the future. Issue: A risk that has become a reality due to an event called a …

End To End Testing

What is End To End Testing ? End-to-end testing is a methodology used to test whether the flow of an application is performing as designed from start to finish. The purpose of carrying out end-to-end tests is to identify system dependencies and to ensure that the …