In the present scenario, one can find out the Google Playstore exploding out due to a number of apps into it. Just Kidding Guys! But, this is true a little bit as now there are lump some apps to choose from. One can also filter, see Google’s lists or read the reviews – but the easiest (and best) way to find top quality apps is to have someone else do the searching for you. And, that’s why we have posted this article for you.
So, Hey guys welcome back here and we are back with another tech tutorial by Tenovision and our this article will help you a lot if you’re an app lover. Your kind suggestions will be appreciated in the comment section. So without wasting no more time let’s get into it. All the apps listed in our list are really very useful as we are personally using these apps in daily routine.
Table of Contents
- Best Android Apps Of This Month.
- Paid Apps Vs Free Apps.
- Why To Choose Our Recommendations?
- Are These Apps Really Worth For You?
- And many more, Just stay connected 🙂
Best Android App Lists :
In order to save your precious Time, download links have been provided here. As For us, Our Users are our Priority 😊
1. TwoBird – Download Link
This is a new kind of email app which according to the developer includes all your everyday tools. Seems interesting ! Write emails, create notes, set reminders and assign to-dos — all in your inbox. yes, it’s TRUE. And also this app is in the early access in the Playstore.
– Remind allows you to schedule an email or note to appear in your inbox later.
– Low Priority sets aside automated messages so you don’t get distracted.
– Pinned and Recent lists keep important notes & conversations easily accessible.
– Tidy Up archives inactive conversations so your inbox stays fresh.
2. Shareit LITE – Download Link
SHAREit Lite is a scaled back version of the very popular file sharing app on Android. It lets you swap files with people who are right next to you without an Internet connection. The app supports almost any file type from photos and videos to files and ZIPs. You can also send files between people at a distance like any normal file sharing app. Moreover, it is very small in size and easy to use too.
3. Vivaldi Browser Beta – Download Link
Vivaldi Browser Beta is a new browser from the makers of Opera Browser. It’s actually not a half bad browser. The UI looks pretty good and browsing is reasonably fast. Additionally, it comes with almost all of the desirable features such as syncing with its desktop version, a dark mode, encrypted syncing, and some extra niceties. There is also a built-in note function and you can screenshot entire web pages through the app. It’s in beta and still has a way to go.
4. Tasker – Download Link
Yes, i Know this is not a new application in the google playstore. But, the latest update forced me to enter this in our list. The latest updates are just beyond the imagination. Tasker is a glorious application if you have the patience to learn how to use the app. What it does is allow users to create custom made commands and then use them in various places. There are many apps out there that have Tasker support and you can even use Tasker to create very complex commands for NFC tags. It’s difficult to truly explain what this app can do because it can do so many things.
5. Shazam – Download Link
Talking about Shazam. It is the world’s most popular app. Each and everyday it generates a lots of Traffic in their App. This app basically listens the music when you plays a music while opening this app. Moreover, this app instantly identify music that’s playing and see what others are discovering. And, all of this is just without spending a penny. There a number of additional features too in this App. Like One can search for his her favorite artists and listens to top rated songs on this app.
Final Thoughts :
In the end, i have to sign off from here and will meet you in my another Article in Trenovision. Moreover, If you haven’t Share this Article, do that so that your friends can also enjoy the benefits. Till then Good bye and have a nice day.