
Waseian BITS Pilani M.Tech Software Architecture [ Wase ] -Comprehensive

Software Architecture [ Wase ] Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Work Integrated Learning Programmes Division First Semester 2017 – 2018 COMPRE EXAM (Regular)   Q1. Choose the most appropriate architectural pattern (one) for the 5 descriptions below. Motivate for your choices (give reasons …

What is Data Management? Benefits of Data Management

Data Management Data management is the development and execution of architectures, policies, practices and procedures in order to manage the information lifecycle needs of an enterprise in an effective manner. Data management experts stress that data life cycle management is not a product, but a …

Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches

Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches Top-down Start with a big picture From writing program’s perspective more suitable for procedural languages.  For example C where in ‘main’ function logic flow is defined and written. Then smaller functions are written to support ‘main’ function Generally suitable for smaller …

Object Oriented Concepts | OOPS Concepts

Object Oriented Concepts Object Oriented Concepts is a programming style which is associated with the concepts like class, object, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism. Most popular programming languages like Java, C++, C#, Ruby, etc. follow an object-oriented programming paradigm. Inheritance A class that is derived from …

Software Engineering MCQ

Software Engineering MCQ Software Engineering MCQ -Multiple Choice Questions & Answers in Software Architecture & Design with explanations.Every MCQ set focuses on a specific topic in Software Architecture & Design Question 1 A person needs to implement a web based scientific calculator. Here the user …

10 Types of Hackers You Should Know

Hacker – Types of Hackers In this post we will know about hackers, different types of hackers, different types of hacking attacks, types of hat and classes of hackers. A hacker is a person who enjoys learning the details of computer system and how to stretch …

Python Operators Guide – Trenovision

Python – Basic Operators Operators are those which performs operation on operand.We will know about Baisc Python operators​ in this post.   What is Python ? Python is an Interpreter Python is Interactive Python is Object-Oriented programming language Python focusses on simplicity and generality. Reduces …

Java Basic Operators

Java – Basic Operators Operators are those which performs operation on operand.We will know about Baisc Java operators​ in this post. Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based, object-oriented, and designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. Characteristic of Java Programming …

Data Storage Technologies and Networks Mcqs

Data Storage Technologies and Networks Mcqs Question 1 Which protocol does Fibre Channel Protocol encapsulate on a FC SAN? Select one: 1. SCSI 2. SAS 3. iSCSI 4. ATA Feedback The answer is: SCSI Question 2 What is the most common technique used for finding …