CA LISA Service Virtualization Testing Questions and Answers

CA LISA Service Virtualization | Testing | Mock Test

Where do you specify connection info?
a. Base Tab
b. Result Set Tab
c. Configuration Tab
d. Props Connection Info Tab

Base Tab

Where do you specify SQL Statement?
a. Result Set Tab
b. Base Tab
c. Configuration Tab
d. Props Connection Info Tab
Base Tab

“Publisher Info” is part of which tab?
a. Data Tab
b. Configuration Tab
c. Connection Tab
d. Base Tab
Base Tab

“Reply to Info” is part of which tab?
a. Data Tab
b. Connection Tab
c. Base Tab
d. Configuration Tab
Base Tab

“Server Connection Information” is part of which tab?
a. Data Tab
b. Base Tab
c. Connection Tab
d. Configuration Tab
Base Tab

A JMS selector query can be specified when ___
a. listening for a message on a queue that is a response to a published message
b. sending a message to be published to the Queue
c. Both A and Bd. Neither A or B
listening for a message on a queue that is a response to a published message

What is the first step to connect MQ with ST
a. Create a Queue Manager
b. Put Message in Queue
c. Connect to MQ Manager
d. Subscribe to MQ Topic
Connect to MQ Manager

What is the first step when creating a Database Testing using Service Test?
a. Create Connection
b. Start Connection
c. Open Connection
d. Connect
Open Connection

What is used to End a running OS program?
a. Stop Program
b. End Program
c. Kill Program
d. Halt Program
Stop Program

When accessing XmL Nodes in custom code you must
a. Use Fully Qualified Xpath
b. Direct Xpath
c. Either A or B
d. Neither A or B
Use Fully Qualified Xpath