Personal Preparation for PMP Test Sharing Experience

Personal Preparation for PMP Test Sharing Experience

PMP Certification refers to project management professional qualification certification. It is initiated by the Project Management Institute (PMI), which strictly evaluates whether the knowledge and skills of project managers have high-quality qualification certification exams. Its purpose is to provide a unified industry standard for project …

What is Digital Marketing? 5 types of digital marketing?

What is Digital Marketing? 5 types of digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is the set of strategies aimed at promoting a brand on the internet. It differs from traditional marketing in that it involves using different online channels and methods that allow real-time analysis of results. What is Digital Marketing Nowadays, the internet is embedded …

What is a motherboard and how does it work? Explained

What is a motherboard and how does it work? Explained

What is a motherboard and how does it work? When assembling the computer, many people are concerned only with the processor and the video card, leaving important parts in the background. This is the case with the motherboard, an essential component for your computer, which can …

What is overclocking ? Explained

What is overclocking ? Explained

What is overclocking ? Have you ever dreamed of making your PC faster for your favorite games and applications, without having to spend a dime for it? This is one of the reasons why many people overclock their computers. This technique literally speeds up machine components, …

What is RAM and how does RAM work?

What is RAM and how does it work?

What is RAM (Random Access Memory ) and how does it work? RAM is a fundamental part of the performance of our computers, smartphones and smart devices. Working in conjunction with the processor (CPU) , this component ensures agility for the various tasks we perform on a daily basis. This …

HDR : What is HDR and how does HDR work ?

What is HDR

The HDR technical specification is present in TVs , monitors, smartphones and cameras . You may not know exactly what this acronym means, but you have probably realized that images are more “vivid” when this function is available. Understanding how this technology works and what are the possible variants it …

Top 5 technology trends for 2021

Top 5 technology trends for 2021

Top 5 technology trends for 2021 – 2020 will be marked as a year of change. Due to the coronavirus pandemic , we had to adapt and rethink our lifestyle and until the vaccine is a reality for most people, we must continue to live a period of transition. …

HDMI : What is the difference between HDMI 2.1 and HDMI 2.0 and which one should I choose?

HDMI 2.1

HDMI Over the past two years, the market has gradually seen a new specification among connectors: HDMI 2.1. Created in 2017, at first the novelty did not make much sense, since there was still little to take advantage of it. However, the generations of TVs and video games …