What is Data Center Bridging | Trenovision

Conventional Data Center Networks   Conventional Data Center Networks which includes Data Servers and associated components like telecommunications and storage system. Network which consists of one or more data network, storage network and management network. Server centric physical design networks Typical server may have 5 …

What is Blockchain technology | Trenovision

Blockchain Blockchain is an incorruptible data ledger for recording economic transactions. The records it keeps are fully public and easily verifiable. It constantly keeps on growing as blocks are added to it in a linear and chronological order. A blockchain’s integrity hinges on strong cryptography that …

What is Bitcoin | Trenovision

What is BITCOIN ? Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically. It is peer-to-peer system where transactions take place directly without any intermediary. It was introduced in the digital world in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. There is no central issuing authority for …

What is Basel ? Drivers behind Operational Risk Explained

Introduction to Basel Basel : In 1995 Barings PLC, Britain’s oldest merchant bank, suffered a loss of $1.3 billion due to the actions of a rogue trader who was able to hide substantial losses through the use of a segregated account that he controlled and that …

What are Design Patterns ? Tutorials

Design Patterns Overview Design Patterns is a way to record experience in designing object oriented software.The experience is primarily captured and documented with details such as Pattern Name: A word or two, to describe a design problem, its solutions, and consequences. It establishes a vocabulary …

What is Wireless Communication ? Wireless Communication – Types

Wireless Communication Wireless Communication -The transmission of information signals without a physical connection, through technologies such as cordless telephones, cellular telephones or microwave is also defined as the transfer of electromagnetic signals from one location to another without cables, often using infrared light or radio …

What is Job Scheduler and Batch Processing ?

Job Scheduler Job scheduler has the facility for improving system productivity by organizing and automating the  workload.It provides Automatic job submission based on date, time, completion of predecessor jobs and availability of resources.It has time driven and event driven facilities used to schedule work station …

What is DMS ? – Distribution Management System

Distribution Management System A Distribution Management System (DMS) is a collection of applications designed to monitor & control the entire distribution network efficiently and reliably. DMS is used for tracking and maintaining the inventory (i.e. Prepaid/Post paid SIM cards, Prepaid Vouchers, Handsets etc) that is …

Various Mobile OS available In the market

Various Mobile OS available In the market Mobile OS are used to control mobile hardware to perform some specific tasks.Below are the Mobile operating system available in the market. Android from Google Inc BlackBerry OS from Research In Motion (RIM) iOS from Apple Inc Symbian …