What is Behaviour Driven Development BDD ?

Behaviour Driven Development BDD is a formalised template for User Stories. BDD is able to create testable User Stories since they are defined in a formal manner. It Promotes “security” to a first call citizen in the analysis process.   What are the goals of BDD …

What is Selenium ?

Selenium Selenium automates browsers. It is one of the most well-known testing frameworks in the world that is in use. It is an open source project that allows testers and developers alike to develop functional tests to drive the browser. Selenium is a suite of …

What is Competency Management ?

Competency Management   A competency is the required combination of knowledge, skills and behavior that is critical for both organizational and employee success. Competency Profiles are collections of individual, global and functional competencies that describe the expectations of a given job. Competencies can be either assigned …

Introduction to Mainframe Computers

Mainframe Computers Mainframe computers are big computers used mainly for processing huge data and to maintain critical applications. They form the central processing unit of most of the Fortune 500 companies. Mainframe computers are known for high data security and has the capability to process …

Android and its Architecture

Android Android is an Operating system based on the Linux kernel, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. Kernel type : Modified Linux (Monolithic) OS family : Unix like Default User Interface : Graphical (Multi touch) Initial release : …

What is an Applets ?

Applets An applet is a Panel that allows interaction with a Java program.A applet is typically embedded in a Web page and can be run from a browser.You need special HTML in the Web page to tell the browser about the applet.For security reasons, applets …

What is JBehave ? How it relates to BDD ?

  JBehave JBehave is a tool for Behavior Driven Development(BDD). What is BDD ? BDD is a Software development based on TDD which is Developed by Dan North Addresses problems with TDD What problems does JBehave address? Programmers wanted to know: “Where to start” “What …

What is Shared Memory ?

Shared Memory Shared memory allows multiple processes share a region of memory.It gets mapped to processes’ address space.   Advantages of Shared memory Fastest IPC mechanisms Does not require to copying data between the interested processes. Processes directly access the memory Disadvantages of Shared memory Programmer has to …

Concepts of PL/SQL Tutorial

PLSQL PLSQL stands for “Procedural Language extensions to SQL“, and is an extension of SQL that is used in Oracle. PLSQL is closely integrated into the SQL language, yet it adds programming constructs that are not native to SQL. Oracle is a relational database technology developed by …