Interview Questions & Answers Multiple-Choice Questions

Commvault Administration Interview Questions

Commvault Administration Interview Questions

Workstation client how its work. what is the role of CDR. do we required media agent for backup and restoration of workstation clients
VGM… yea we need to have the workstation backup agent to configure backup & restore. CDR is continuous data replicator.
What is replication pair ?
ContinuousDataReplicator (CDR) replicates data from a source computer to a destination computer. This is done in near real-time by logging all file write activity to a replication log in the source computer, including new files and changes to existing files. These replication logs are transferred to the destination computer and replayed, ensuring that the destination remains a nearly real-time replica of the source. CDR provides protection for all types of data including file system and application data. CDR provides easy-to-use wizards and policies to simplify the basic configuration, operations, and monitoring of data replication activities. In addition, a separate Data Replication Monitor is provided in the CommCell Console to track all replication activities. The Data Replication Monitor also provides specific reporting and activity history for additional monitoring. CDR is just one of the several Agents that provide data protection and recovery support for different kinds of data in what is often a complex environment. The sample figure shows an example of a simple CommCell configuration using CDR. CDR can also be configured and used for backing up computers in remote locations. See Disk Library Replication for more information. CDR provides the following important features: Data Replication Data Replication is the process of copying the specified, file-level content from one computer, the source computer, to another, the destination computer. There are several scenarios for data replication can be configured. They are: Direct replication – replication from a source to a destination computer. Fan-In configuration – replication from multiple source computers to a single destination computer. Fan-Out configuration – replication from one source computer to multiple destination computers.
What is common base folder under replication sets ?
You can optionally specify a Common Base Folder, so that all destination paths for all Replication Pairs in the Replication Set will be created in the same folder on the destination host. This can be useful when you are adding multiple Replication Pairs at the same time, as in the case of replicating application data. For example, if you specify replication as the base directory, your Replication Pairs might use the following as their destination directories: replicationrep_pair_1 replicationrep_pair_2 replicationrep_pair_3
How licensing done commvault. i heard w.r.t capacity they provide license. if yes how to check installed license is capacity based ?
Yes commvault is the capacity based license only… you can chk in the commvault console itself & also you can the usage of our license also in license administrator
EMC is having Networker as a backup software. Is commvault is taken over by EMC ?
No.. its not EMC product.
What all could be the reason for backup getting struck in scan phase and not proceeding ahead with data transfer
Many reason are there. unavaiable of tape , tape drive issue , media agent communication problem & so on..
We have seen this issue repeatedly and were puzzled at times and always found issue with client CPU utilization.
Yes if the CPU is 100% den the server will not able to responds to the request from the backup server
Is commvault a backup software ? 
yes commvault is the backup s/f
What is commvault used for and where?
Commvault used to take all kind of backups & restoration purpose
‘An I/O error encountered’ what does this exactly means and cause to backup failure in for SAP for oracle backup
Backup failure troubleshooting is not like we go find it right a way… we need to analysis the logs and have to find the cause
What type of backups can be taken by commvault like tape, disk to disk, vtl etc..
yea u can take backup in tape , disk , VTL & 3-party disk like data domain