ERWIN Quiz : This ERWIN Intermediate Quiz contains set of 125 ERWIN Quiz which will help to clear any exam which is designed for Intermediate.
1) Which of the following is not true about Junk Dimensions
- ans) Helps to have all the very low cardinality attributes in the Fact entity
- Designed generally for indicator fields.
- Helps Database space optimization
- collective set of attributes from Fact
2) A dimensional table referred in a Fact table multiples times for various Business Attribute is
- Conformed Dimension
- Outriggered Dimension
- Minidimension
- ans) Role Playing Dimension
3) _________ Ā is the term used for how much data we have for a particular dimension/entity of the model.
- Data defects
- Data validation
- Data sparsity
4) Causal dimensions can be used
- As a helper table
- For explaining why a record exists in a fact table
- For integrating data marts into a data warehouse
- For handling changes to the data.
5) Dimension table may NOT be populated from
- Look up data
- Transaction data
- Master data
- Reference Data
6) Dimension where data quality cannot be guaranteed is
- Conformed dimension
- Dirty Dimension
- Big Dimension
- None of the above
7) Fact table may not contain
- non additive Measures
- Semi additive measures
- Hierarchy
- Foreign Keys to Dims
8) Fact tables that does not contain measures are also called as
- Dirty Dimension
- BIG dimensions
- Factless Fact Table
- Semi Additive
9) From the user query and reporting perspective, which of the following dimension table design will provide better performance?
- Denormalized/Flat Dimension with Surrogate keys(integers)
- Snowflake Dimension
- Denormalized/Flat Dimension with Natural Keys(alphanumeric)
- None of the choices
10) How can a fast changing dimension be handled?
- Break off the fast changing attributes into separate dimensions
- Similar to slowly changing dimension type 2
- Similar to slowly changing dimension type 3
- None of the above
11) In data distribution the Dense Dimensions
- are those for which most of the members do not have a value
- are those for which most of the members actually have a data value
- are used for Aggregates
- are used for exceptional handling.
12) In what scenario a dimension can be a dependent entity?
- Snow flaking
- Sub-typing
- Both of these
- None of these
13) Logical representation of multidimensional data is called
- Relational DB
14) Operational Control numbers (e.g. Order Number) are stored in
- Separate Dimension table linked to Fact
- Separate Dimension table without linked to Fact
- Fact Table
- Not Stored
15) Profit Margin is a example of ______ type of fact.
- Fully Additive
- Semi Additive
- Non Additive
- None of the above.
16) Separating few attributes from a Dimension tables that consist of millions of rows is
- Mini-dimension
- Extended Dimension
- Factless Dimension
- Junk Dimension
17) The amount of data we have for a particular dimension/entity of the model is known as
- Aggregated Data
- Data Sparsity
- Factual Data
- None of the above.
18) The following is the characteristic(s) of Aggregations?
- Aggregations are precalculated summaries of data
- Aggregations are stored in the multidimensional structure in cells at coordinates specified by the dimensions
- Results in the fastest possible response time
- All the above
19) What are helper tables?
- A degenerate dimension (DD) acts as a dimension key in the fact table, however does not join to a corresponding dimension table because all its interesting attributes have already been placed in other analytic dimensions.
- It is a dimension is a convenient grouping of flags and indicators.
- It is a dimension that means the same thing with every possible fact table to which it can be joined
- It is a table placed between a fact and a dimension table or between two dimension tables so that the dimensions can become multivalued, many to many (M;M) relationships can be resolved.
20) What is a level of Granularity of a fact table?
- level of detail that you put into the fact table in a data warehouse
- It describes the amount of space required for a database
- indicates the extent of aggregation that will be permitted to take place on the fact data
- All the above
21) WhichĀ of the following dimension type stores the value of the dimension in fact table instead of the dimension table?
- Conformed Dimension
- inferred Dimension
- Degenerate Dimension
- Junk Dimension
22) Having a Code or Flag value in a large fact table is
- Never to be done as a rule
- Can be done if a suitable bitmap index is defined
- Can be defined using a junk dimension
- b & c
23) If we decide to place aĀ dimensional attribute as a non-key attribute in a Fact table, what is it called?
- Semi-additive Measure
- Degenerate Dimension
- Fully Additive measure
- None of the choices
24) Fact tables are which of the following?
- Completely denormalized
- Partially denormalized
- Completely normalized
- Partially normalized
25) How do you define a Valid Value for an attribute?
- By defining allowable data value(s) for a specified data element.
- Allowing any Numeric value
- Allowing any alphanumeric value
- All of the above
26) BI Semantic layer will be designed from _________
- Conceptual Data Model
- Logical Data Model
- Subject area data model
- None of these
27) Control / Audit tables are designed during
- Conceptual Data Modeling
- Logical Data Modeling
- Physical Data Modeling
- Subject Area Data Modeling phase
28) What is true about mapping a conceptual model to a logical model?
- Defining entities and identifying Primary Keys and other Attributes for each entity
- Linking entities with relationships
- A & B
- None of the above
29) Entity Relation Model is a
- Logical Data Model
- Physical Data Model
- Functional Data Model
- None of the above
30) Logical Data Model is often used by
- Business Users
- Designers
- Implementors
- All of the above
31) Maximum modeling effort needs to be on
- Conceptual Data Model
- Logical Data Model
- Physical Data Model
- Metadata model
32) After which stage will you carry out the data staging design and development?
- Dimensional modeling
- Physical design
- Technical architecture design
- Requirements definition
33) Column data type finalization takes place during
- Conceptual Data Modeling
- Logical Data Modeling
- Physical Data Modeling
- None of these
34) Correct attribute / column data type selection is done during
- Conceptual Data Modeling
- Logical Data Modeling
- Physical Data Modeling
- None of these
35) Cross-reference (X-Ref) table design is part of
- Conceptual Data Model
- Logical data model
- Physical data model
- None of these
36) DBAs typically get involved during ____ phase
- Conceptual Data Modeling
- Logical Data Modeling
- Physical Data Modeling
- Subject Area Data Modeling phase
37) How do you define the below scenario/action in physical data model ?
Scenario/action: Each time an instance in the parent entity is deleted, the foreign key
attribute(s) in each related instance in the child entity are set to NULL
- By Using Cascade option
- By Using Restrict option
- By Using Set Null
- By Using Set Default
38) How do you define the below scenario/action in physical data model ?
Scenario/action: Each time an instance in the parent entity is deleted, the foreign
key attribute(s) in each related instance in the child entity are set to the
specified default value.
- By Using Cascade option
- By Using Restrict option
- By Using Set Null
- By Using Set Default
39) How do you define the below scenario/action in physical data model?
Scenario/action: Deletion of an instance in the parent entity is prohibited if there are one or more related instances in the child entity.
- By Using Cascade option
- By Using Restrict option
- By Using Set Null
- By Using Set Default
40) How do you define the below scenario/action in physical data model?
Scenario/action: Each time an instance in the parent entity is deleted, each related instance in the child entity must also be deleted.
- By Using Cascade option
- By Using Restrict option
- By Using Set Null
- By Using Set Default
41) How do you NOT minimize locking problems caused by uncommitted transactions?
- Perform all error handling outside transactions
- Keep transactions as short as possible
- Do not prompt for user input within a transaction
- Avoid recursive nested transactions
42) IF I want to store true / false in sql values from my frontend which datatype should I use at the best level interms of minimum storage?
- Char
- Varchar
- Bit
- Int
43) In which model do you define database partitioning strategy?
- Conceptual Model
- Logical Model
- Physical Model
- None of the above
44) Physical Data Model include
- Convert entities into tables
- Convert relationships into foreign keys and Modify the physical data model based on physical constraints / requirements
- Convert attributes into columns
- All the options (A,B&C)
45) Staging area data model is typically a
- Conceptual data model
- Logical Data Model
- Physical data model
- None of these
46) The partition by clause in analytical function helps to
- Divide the query result
- Group the query result
- Reset the RANK when group changes
- express the value
47) What trade-offs typically take place while converting from Logical Data Model to Physical Data Model?
- Controlled de-normalization
- Derived Aggregate table structures
- Both of these
- None of these
48) Which data model is Not presented to end business user community?
- Conceptual Data Model
- Logical Data Model
- Physical Data Model
- Subject Area data model
49) Which data model is RDBMS dependent?
- Conceptual Data Model
- Logical Data Model
- Physical Data Model
- Subject Area data model
50) You are in the process of deciding the indexes required for your application DB.
This process belong to which of the following phase ?
- Physical design
- Logical design
- Optimization plan
- Fall back plan
51) Physical Data Model is often used by
- Business Users
- Designers
- Implementors
- All of the above
52) RDBMS specific features are implemented in
- Physical Data Model
- Metadata model
- Conceptual Data Model
- Logical Data Model
53) Domain Integrity enforces valid entries for a given column by
- restricting the Type
- restricting the Format
- restricting the range of possible values
- all of the above
54) Domain is the set of of possible values of the ————-
- attribute
- entity
- relationship
- None of the above
55) What indicates having the potential to contain more than one value for an attribute at any given time?
- Constraint
- Single-valued
- All of the above
- None of the above
56) What is true for Domain-Based Association?
- When Attribute can take multiple values for a single occurance of an entity type.
- When attribute can take single value for a single occurance of an enity type.
- Domain-Based association pattern is a special use of an association pattern where none of the relationhship is a domain pattern
- All of the above.
57) The Fact is normally in
- 1st Normal form
- 2nd Normal form
- 3rd Normal form
- not Normalized at all
58) When should denormalization would be considered?
- Complexity in data retrieval from more tables
- database performance is slow
- for reporting applications, where a lot of data needs to filtered very often.
- All
59) What is false about Denormalization?
- Denormalization is done when there are lot of tables involved in retrieving data.
- Denormalization is done in dimensional modelling used to construct a data ware house.
- This is not usually done for databases of transactional systems.
- Denormalization should never be done
60) Conformed dimensions are used
- For handling multi valued dimensions
- For integrating data marts into a data warehouse
- For event tracking
- For explaining why a record exists in a fact table
61) An Order number in a Sales fact table is an Example of
- Junk Dimension
- Transaction Identifier
- Degenerative Dimension
- None of the above
62) ___________ provide structured labeling information to otherwise unordered numeric measures
- Facts
- Dimensions
- Tables
- Joins
63) Can a single dimension definition contain multiple hierarchies
- No
- Yes
- No, separate dimesnions are required
- None of the above
64) Dimension where data quality cannot be guaranteed
- Conformed dimension
- Dirty Dimension
- Big Dimension
- None of the above
65) Invoice number in Sales Fact is
- a conformed dimension
- a degenerate dimension
- a slowly changiing dimension
- None of the above
66) What is a ‘Degenerate’ dimension?
- A dimensional attribute embedded in a fact table
- A fact table that stores only events
- A dimension table that contains embedded fact information
- None of the above
67) what is a junk dimension?
- It is a table placed between a fact and a dimension table or between two dimension tables so that the dimensions can become multivalued.
- A degenerate dimension (DD) acts as a dimension key in the fact table, however does not join to a corresponding dimension table because all its interesting attributes have already been placed in other analytic dimensions.
- It is a dimension is a convenient grouping of flags and indicators.
- It is a dimension that means the same thing with every possible fact table to which it can be joined
68) Role Playing is
- A dimension relating to moe than one fact table
- A dimension relating to different fact tables with different meanings
- A dimension relating to same fact table in different roles
- All of the above
69) Any analysis whichĀ involves on “what I want to know” is a
- Dimension
- Attribute
- Flag
- Fact
70) Average marks’ is not an example of
- Additive Fact
- Semi-Additive Fact
71) Fact less Fact tables are used
- For event tracking
- For handling multi valued dimensions
- As a helper table
- None of the above
72) What is the characteristic of Conformed Fact?
- Fact occurs in more than one location
- Underlying fact definition is common
- Transformation rule to compute factual measure in identical
- All of these
73) Which is NOT true related to Factless fact table ?
- Captures many-to-many relationships between dimension tables
- Can have factual measures
- Can have only information about Keys
- None of the above
74) Which of following describes a Factless fact table?
- Tracks events
- Captures many-to-many relationships between dimension tables
- Stores no factual measures
- All of the above
75) Which of the following is an example of factless fact?
- Class attendance
- Sales
- Purchase
- Inventory levels
76) Which of the following is not characteristic of Conformed facts
- Same names across all fact tables
- Same definitios across all fact tables
- Same formulas used for calculation
- None of the above
77) What is NOT a characteristic of Snow flake model?
- Low cardinality attributes are moved to new sub-dimension tables
- Further normalization of the Star schema model
- Lowers redundancy
- Flat dimension table
78) Which is the most normalized structure within a star schema?
- Fact Table
- Dimension Table
- Both A & B
- None
79) _____ table have the characteristic of “Slicing and Dicing”
- Fact Table
- Dimension Table
- Look-Up Table
- All of the above.
80) Data granularity depends on
- Source system data
- Dimension keys linked to a fact
- Can not be determined from star schema
- Hierarchy of Dimension table
81) Dimensionality refers to
- The level of detail of data that is held in the fact table
- The data that describes the transactions in the fact table.
- The level of detail that is held in the Data Warehouse
- The number of dimension tables that exist in a star schema
82) Drill across means drill both Fact and Dimension table”
- No; Only Dim tables
- yes
83) Factless fact table has only information about
- Data
- Measure
- Keys
- All of the above
84) For multi dimensional design which of the following statements are generally true
- It is highly normalized
- It is highly denormalized
- Is based on an ER Model
- Is based on the users requirements
85) Hierarchy in a dimension is not created to show
- Levels
- History
- Parents
- Parallel relationship
86) Identify Type of Fact?
- View
- Table
- Additive
- Materialized View
87) If you are going for New Fact Tables for Aggregates, What are the Strategies that can be followed
- All the above
88) In which of these scenarios snowflake schema is notĀ used?
- Dimension is very sparse
- Improve the performance of query in the data warehouse
- Storing the information in same dimension to result in duplication of records
- reducing the redundancy in the dimension table
89) The process of viewing detailed data from summarized data is known as
- Drill up
- Drill down
- Drill through
- Drill across
90) What does level of Granularity of a fact table signify?
- Granularity is a level of representation of measures and metrics
- Granularity means just data
- Granularity indicates facts
91) What is Drill down (roll down)?
- reverse of roll-up
- from higher level summary to lower level summary or detailed data, or introducing new dimensions
- Both A and B
- None of the above
92) What is meant by fact table ‘grain’?
- The most detailed level of transaction captured in the fact table
- The most ‘granular’ data that is captured in the datawarehouse
- ‘Grains’ of transaction in the source system
- None of the above
93) What is NOT the characteristic of Dimension table?
- Descriptions of the business
- Constant
- Maintains facts about the business
- Enables slicing and dicing by different variables
94) What is the primary objective of dimensional modeling?
- remove redundancy in the data
- optimizing
- query performance
- facilitate retrieval of individual transaction
- None of the above
95) What is true of the multidimensional model?
- It typically requires less disk storage
- It typically requires more disk storage
- Typical business queries requiring aggregate functions take more time
- Increasing the size of a dimension is difficult
96) Where will you find measures in a data warehouse?
- Dimension tables
- Fact tables
- Helper tables
- Look up tables
97) Which Dimension can attach to multiple facts ?
- Pseudo Dimension
- Junk Dimension
- Derived Dimension Table
- Confirmed Dimension
98) Which is NOT an example of Fact Table?
- Revenue
- Time
- Gross Margin
- Cost
99) Which of the below is true for Role Playing Dimensions?
- Same grain
- Views of the same table
- Different roles in a fact
- All of the above
100) Which of the following are examples of dimensions?
- Location
- Product
- Time
- All of the above
101) Which of the following is not true about dimensional modeling?
- Optimized for retrieval
- Maximize understandability
- Remove the redundancy of data
- helps historical tracking of information
102) Which of the following statements is true?
- The fact table of a data warehouse is the main store of descriptions of the transactions stored in a DWH
- The fact table of a data warehouse is the main store of all of the recorded transactions over time.
- A fact table describes the granularity of data held in a DWH
- A fact table describes the transactions stored in a DWH
103) Which of the following holds data only triggered by Business Operations Event
- Periodic Snapshot Fact
- Transactional Fact
- Factless Fact
- Dimensions
104) Code Tables are examples of
- Dependency
- Domain
- Association
- Transaction
105) Which one of the following is an example of additive measure?
- price of a product
- quantity sold
- inventory
- level
- account balances
106) Which one of the following is an example of non-additive measure?
- price of a product
- inventory
- level
- quantity sold
- Room temprature
107) Which one of the following is an example of semi-additive measure?
- account balances
- quantity sold
- dollars sold
- None of the above
108) A Percentage measure attribute is
- Better Stored in the fact table
- Better calculated in views
- Better to be derived by the OLAP tool
- Better to be calculated by End User Groups
109) Having an order number as part of a fact table is
- Degenerative Fact
- Factless Fact
- Aggregate fact
- None of the above
110) Which of the following table, data gets loaded once and gets updated on various Business stages.
- Periodic Snapshot Fact
- Transactional Fact
- Accumulating Snapshot Fact
- Factless Fact
111) What is NOT captured as Attribute metadata?
- Description
- Data type
- Domain
- Frequency of change
112) What is NOT captured as part of business metadata?
- Name
- Business definition
- Sample values
- Created / last updated details
113) What is NOT captured as part of metadata for entity type?
- Definition
- Examples
- Sparsity
- Expected volumes
114) Why is denormalization beneficial to read operations?
- Indexes are sorted.
- Disk I/O is reduced.
- Complex joins are avoided
- Easy Data flow
115) All of the following are common denormalization techniques EXCEPT which one?
- Duplicating non-key columns across tables
- Adding derived or summary columns to tables
- Adding non-key columns to indexes
- Creating fake arrays in tables using multiple columns
116) Grouping of Individuals, Organization under a single entity named Party is an example of:
- Normalization
- Denormalization
- Generalization
- Specialization
117) A situation where single dimension appears several times in the same fact table
- Dirty dimension
- Conformed Dimension
- Role playing dimension
- None of the above
118) Which of the following is the name of a table containingĀ certain groups of attributes from a dimension table
- conformed dimension
- helper tables
- junk dimension
- mini dimension
119) If we decide to place a dimensional attribute as a non-key attribute in a Fact table, what is it called?
- Semi-additive Measure
- Degenerate Dimension
- Fully Additive measure
- None of the choices
120) What type of measure will ‘Units on Hand’ be classified if it is associated with Time dimension?
- Semi-additive Measure
- Fully Additive Measure
- Non-additive Measure
- None of the choices
121) Identify the statement that is NOT TRUE related to Fact tables
- Fact tables always have a multipart key, in which each component of the key joins to a single dimension table
- Fact tables contain the numeric, additive fields that are best thought of as the measurements of the business
- Fact tables can consist of nothing but keys
- is a data element that categorizes each item in a data set into non-overlapping regions.
122) If we need to capture only the latest state of a Transaction(e.g. Order Fulfillment) in a Fact table at any time and if we update the Fact table rows to achieve this, what type of Fact table is this?
- Periodic Snapshot
- Transaction Grain Fact
- Factless Fact
- Accumulating Snapshot
123) Domain Pattern is implemented in
- Code tables
- Look up tables
- Validation lists
- All of these
124) What kind of relationship is possible between Super type – Sub type entities?
- one to many
- many to one
- one to one optional
- one to one mandatory
125) When can Super type – Sub type data pattern be used?
- Header / details data structure
- Snowflaking
- A grouping of entities share common characteristics and also has some unique ones
- None of these
126) which technique helps to determine that to which subtype one instance of a supertype belongs.
- Primary Key for an entity
- Foreign key
- Subtype discriminator
- None of these