Do you know exactly how do YouTube views work ? Although the platform is used daily by millions of American , not everyone stopped to think about the rules that make a video popular.
Understanding the logic behind the platform’s algorithm is essential if you want to monetize your content and make money from your publications. Let’s understand what are the rules of this universe?
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How do YouTube views work ?
As soon as a video is opened, a preview is counted for it. YouTube ’s rules do not dictate that content needs to be watched for a specific percentage of time before the view is counted, which makes this metric inaccurate. A preview does not necessarily mean that someone watched the video until the end.
So, it would be enough to enter a video and keep pressing F5 for it to become a success, correct? Wrong. At that point, another metric comes into play that helps determine a video’s success rate: the retention rate. In this case, it is actually calculated how much time of the video the visitors watched.
Videos with many views, but low retention rates do not appear in the recommended ones. Videos with few views, but high retention rates, yes. Therefore, the rule to consider here is: do not stick to just the quantity, but mainly the quality of your content.
How to increase views on a video on YouTube?
Just as there is no precise answer to “how to put a post on the first page of Google search results ”, there is also no recipe for how to increase views on a video on YouTube . However, following some guidelines can help you be more successful.
Videos with a maximum of 10 minutes contribute to increase your retention rate. In addition, fill in all the registration fields when uploading, including tags related to the content and a description that makes it easier for the content to be found in searches. Also use quality thumbnails. And, of course: invest in good original content.
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Rules for monetizing videos on YouTube
Since 2018, video monetization is only available for channels that meet certain requirements:
- – Have at least one thousand subscribers;
- – Have at least 4,000 hours of content viewed in the last 12 months.
These restrictions prevented adventurers from creating “opportunity” channels and starting to earn money without necessarily offering good content to viewers. Since January 2020, content aimed at children can no longer be monetized.
In addition, there are other restrictions. For example, videos where artists’ music or copyrighted videos are used cannot be monetized either. To stand out, therefore, the best way is to use original content.
It is also worth remembering that buying followers or using bots to increase video views are practices prohibited by YouTube, and channels that are caught doing so are subject to punishments ranging from temporary suspension to the final channel. In addition, the values obtained on the platform will be retained and cannot be withdrawn.
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