How to discover Wi-Fi password connected by cell phone

How to discover Wi-Fi password connected by cell phone

How to discover Wi-Fi password – When there is any problem with the Wi-Fi connection, whether in the modem or the router, it is natural for users to run to the PC to try to solve the problem, after all, the way of accessing these devices has always been this way. However, did you know that there is a way to discover the Wi-Fi password connected by the cell phone?

Just like your PC, the cell phone can also be a gateway to the modem or router and, from it, it is possible to solve all the problems that may occur. However, this requires that you have access to the network administrator’s username and password.

Best of all, you don’t need to download any apps to do this: your browser, whatever it may be, is the gateway to solving any problem. In this tutorial, we will teach you how to discover Wi-Fi password connected by cell phone.

How to discover Wi-Fi password connected by cell phone

Also Read : WiFi or Wi-Fi – What’s the difference?

Step by step on how to access the modem or router via cell phone

First of all, a warning: modems and routers from different brands may have slightly different paths and menu names. This is because each company has its own standards. However, in general, the type of function you must access is exactly the same. So even if the names are not identical, look for similar functions to perform this step by step.

How to discover Wi-Fi password connected by cell phone

Step 01: The first thing to do is open your browser on your phone, whatever your choice.Note that it is essential that your smartphone is connected to the Wi-Fi network and that the internet signal is active.

Step 02: Then, enter the IP number of your router in the browser. To do this, download the Router Setup Page app .

How to discover Wi-Fi password connected by cell phone

Step 03: When tapping next, to access the IP, a login screen should appear. In it you must enter the username and password of the Wi-Fi network administrator.

way to discover the Wi-Fi password connected by the cell phone

Do you remember when you set up your router from your PC? So, it is exactly the same data that must be entered.

Wi-Fi password connected by the cell phone

Step 04: ready! If all went well, you are now in your router’s settings menu. The first step is to find a category called “Wireless“. Inside it there will be a “Security” option that, by default, must be selected (if you have not previously disabled it).

Important: one of the available fields will be “Wireless Password”. Here, enter the new password you want to register for your network and, finally, tap “Save” at the bottom of the page.

Now, go to your phone’s Settings and disable Wi-Fi for a few seconds. Then, activate it again and select the name of the Wi-Fi network to connect again. Enter the new password and you’re done. You will be connected under the new password on the same network.

Remember that you will need to repeat the procedure on all other devices in your home or office that are connected to the same network. Accessing this feature via cell phone is often more practical than turning on the PC just to modify this setting.


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