Many of us use our smartphones as the main device for listening to music during breaks, traveling or at work. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the phones are getting bigger with time and the manufacturers install better and better components and systems in them, they do not seem to pay too much attention to the speakers. Some models do not even have dedicated headphones or external speaker inputs anymore!
So how nice to listen to music when the built-in devices do not manage and instead of pleasant music for cleaning at home, we can at most sometimes hear the louder moments of the song breaking through?
Learn how to improve the sound and volume on your Android phone:
Table of Contents
Improve the sound and volume on your Android phone
In order to improve the quality of sounds or volume, we can use special applications designed for this. They are also useful when the audio file itself has a very low sound output and you are not able to enjoy it fully or just listen to it.
There are also a few tricks that will help you offload your phone and spend more power on your speakers. Let’s start with the tips that do not require downloading the application.
1. Turn off do not disturb mode
This mode often has a built-in volume limiter that can also affect music played from the player or browser. This is a good first step to amplifying the sound.
2. Turn off bluetooth
Bluetooth can interfere with the speakers in the phone, so it’s worth turning it off while listening to music. Newer versions of the system are unlikely to turn the phone down while bluetooth is on, but you can always try.
3. Clean the external speaker
If the sound was once much better than now, it’s worth cleaning the external speaker. All you need is compressed air. As a last resort, you can try to blow into the speaker yourself.
4. Clear the headphone jack
Entering the headphones likes to be clogged with small threads and bundles of fabric, especially when we are holding the phone in pants. Sometimes it is worth pulling out these bundles of threads. A needle will be useful for this. Be careful not to damage your phone!
5. Replace the headphones
If you think that the sound in the headphones is not what it should be, try to test someone else’s headphones for a moment. You don’t have to put them in your ears, just put them on. Thanks to this, you will assess whether it is time for new equipment.
Download the audio enhancement application
A simple search in the Google Play Store brings a huge amount of applications that claim to improve sound quality. However, a significant proportion of these applications do not work or slightly improve the sound. In addition, some of these applications are loaded with ads that pop up uncomfortably often. With this in mind, we have prepared for you a list of volume-increasing applications for Android. They are all checked and safe!
Here is our list:
1. BlackPlayer Music Player
Good music player , which can be used as an amplifier volume for a device running Android player is BlackPlayer. The application has a five-channel equalizer with a sound effects function that allows you to manipulate the device’s audio output . The sound effects menu in the application is extremely extensive, and with it you can increase the volume to even 4 dB.
Download >> BlackPlayer
2. Precise Volume (+ Equalizer)
Precise Volume is a great amplifier available in the Play Store , with which you can significantly improve the sound quality on an Android device. It gives you more precise control over the audio output from the 5-band equalizer and a few additional settings, including the function of boost , which allows you to increase the bass, add sound effects, and most importantly, increase the overall volume of music or sound.
Download >> Precise Volume
3. Volume Booster GOODEV
Volume Booster GOODEV is a very light and functional sound amplifier, which is also extremely efficient in terms of work on the phone’s battery. The application has a single volume up slider that allows you to increase the volume by up to 60% of the default value. In the settings there is an option to increase it above the standard 60%, however , this is not recommended by the producers of the application.
Download >> Volume Booster
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