“Janta Curfew” (Social Distancing) Explained??

We all have been listening in the news the word “Janta Curfew“. This is curfew created by public, for public, for their safety against corona outbreak. First of all this is voluntarily curfew and people are expected to content themselves form coming in contact with anyone outside. There will be no army BSF to monitor it .

"Janta Curfew" (social distancing) explained??

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Social Distancing ? What is the need ?

As we all know novel corona virus gets spread when people come in contact. So self quarantined is the best against COVID-19.

Some researches have proved that this virus keeps alive till 12 hours . Keeping this thing in mind this curfew is imposed (organised) between 7AM to 9PM which is 14 hours duration. We can expect virus will get killed automatically in this duration and will help to content this COVID-19 epidemic.




I think every sunday we should do this activity because as  sunday is off for most of the people so it is a very good step taken by GOVT with support of public.

It will also give time to sanitize our public transport during this time concerned authority will sanitize these means of transport.

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