JDEdwards Finance
This is only a sample JDEdwards Finance Questionnaire that contains few questions as a preview.
1. Client wants to use the fastest method to enter high-volume, simple voucher entries. What Voucher Entry would you recommend to your client to use?
a) Standard Voucher Entry
b) Multi-Company, Single-Supplier
c) Speed Voucher Entry
d) Multi-Voucher, Multi-Supplier
2. AR is integrated with
a) GA
b) FA
c) AP
d) Manufacturing
3. Asset split will create journal entries
a) 2
b) 1
c) 3
d) 0
4. budgeting is possible at
a) Account level
b) Company level
c) BU level
d) BU and account level
5. Under the Job cost process ‘ cost code structure and schedule information’ creates what ?
a) Chart of accounts
b) Job master record
c) Create journal entries
d) Postings