Oracle Meter Data Management – MDM MCQ Quiz – Part 1

Oracle Meter Data Management – MDM MCQ

This Oracle Meter Data Management – MDM MCQ Quiz contains few questions as a free online practice test.

1. Repeat sequence of statements; __________________ end repeat Fill in the correct option :

a) While Condition
b) Until variable
c) Until Boolean expression
d) Until 0

2. Which one of the following provides the ability to query information from the database and to insert tuples into, delete tuples from, and modify tuples in the database ?

a) DML(Data Manipulation Language)
b) DDL(Data Definition Language)
c) Query
d) Relational Schema

3. A ________ in a table represents a relationship among a set of values.

a) Column
b) Key
c) Row
d) Entry

4. The operation which is not considered a basic operation of relational algebra is

a) Join
b) Selection
c) Union
d) Cross product

5. Which of the latest available exception status is not present in the exception status table.

a) Resubmitted
b) open
c) Close
d) Auto