QlikView Beginner Quiz

QlikView Beginner Quiz

QlikView Beginner Quiz contains set of 60 QlikView MCQ Questions With Answers which will help you to clear beginner level quiz.

1) Which Edition of QlikView standalone can be used for free ?

  1. Home Edition
  2. Personal Edition
  3. Local Edition
  4. Enterprise Edition

Answer : B

2) Which is the most basic sheet object ?

  1. List Box
  2. Table Box
  3. Current Selection Box
  4. Multi Box

Answer : A

3) When we make selection in QlikView document what will be the color of selected Cell?

  1. White
  2. Grey
  3. Green
  4. Brown

Answer : C

4) Which object keeps track of your selections ?

  1. Current Selections Box
  2. Selection Box
  3. Status Bar
  4. Table Box

Answer : A

5) Which Tab will be used to change the number format of List Box?

  1. General
  2. Layout
  3. Caption
  4. Number

Answer : D

6) What are Hierarchic Groups in field groups called ?

  1. Drill-Down
  2. Cyclic
  3. Drill
  4. Cyclic Drill

Answer : A

7) Which statement is required to load data from files in the script ?

  1. Load
  2. Reload
  3. Fetch
  4. Get

Answer : A

8) From where  QlikView document can retrieve the  data ?

  1. One or Several sources
  2. One Source only
  3. QVD Only
  4. Inline Table Only

Answer : A

9) Which of the following is an example of a relative path ?

  1. C:
  2. D:\App
  3. ..\App\Data
  4. E:\App\Data

Answer : C

10) Which option from Data Tab in Script Editor is required to load a text file into QlikView ?

  1. Table Files
  2. QlikView File
  3. Web File
  4. Field Data

Answer : A

11) Which statement is used to create QVD file ?

  1. Save
  2. Dump
  3. Store
  4. Allocate

Answer : C

12) Which is  a native QlikView format and can only be written to and read by QlikView ?

  1. QVD
  2. QVS
  3. QVP
  4. CSV

Answer : A

13) What is the shortcut for the Table Viewer dialog ?

  1. Ctrl+L
  2. Ctrl+R
  3. Ctrl+E
  4. Ctrl+T

Answer : D

14) Which statement should follow  after the access section is defined in the script?

  1. Section Authentication
  2. Section Application
  3. Section Application
  4. Section Authorization

Answer : B

15) How many different type of QlikView Server are available ?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer : D

16) How many different type of CALs are available ?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer : D

17) QMC stands for :

  1. QlikView Managed Console
  2. QlikView Management Console
  3. Quick Managed Console
  4. Quick Management Console

Answer : B

18) DSC stands for :

  1. Daily Services Controlling
  2. Daily Source Contents
  3. Directory Service Connectors
  4. Directory Source Connectors

Answer : C

19) Which of the following is not the component of tradtional DWH?

  2. ODS
  3. ETL
  4. Data Mart

Answer : C

20) Which of the following is classified as bad aesthetic in designing a app in qlik view?

  1. Cluttered
  2. Crisp
  3. Aligned
  4. Light colour choices

Answer : A

21) Which object is  useful tool for showing several object types in a limited space ?

  1. Chart
  2. Statistics Box
  3. Text Object
  4. Container

Answer : D

22) In Bar Chart properties which Tab is used to limit the number of bars ?

  1. Dimensions
  2. Dimension Limits
  3. Presentation
  4. Style

Answer : B

23) In the Pivot Table properties which tab is used to showing partial sums?

  1. Expressions
  2. Sort
  3. Presentation
  4. Visual Cues

Answer : C

24) Which chart is ideal to view the changing value of a single measurement when changing selections ?

  1. Gauge Chart
  2. Bar Chart
  3. Line Chart
  4. Combo Chart

Answer : A

25) Which sheet object is used to shows several fields simultaneously in a very compact way ?

  1. Table Box
  2. List Box
  3. Multi Box
  4. Input Box

Answer : C

26) When we lock selection in QlikView document what will be the color of locked Cell?

  1. White
  2. Grey
  3. Green
  4. Blue

Answer : D

27) Which chart is ideal for comparison of similar measurements ?

  1. Line Chart
  2. Bar Chart
  3. Pivot Table
  4. Gauge Chart

Answer : B

28) Which chart is ideal for comparison of high-level groups ?

  1. Pie Chart
  2. Block Chart
  3. Radar Chart
  4. Line Chart

Answer : C

29) Which of the following is limitation of Pivot Table ?

  1. Can’t do sorting
  2. Can’t do partial sum
  3. Can’t do grouping
  4. Can’t change the background color of cell

Answer : A

30) Which statement can be preceded by the  Load statement  defining what directory to look for the files in ?

  1. Directory
  2. Files
  3. Table
  4. Folder

Answer : A

31) Which tab contains security settings for the QlikView script ?

  1. Data
  2. Functions
  3. Variables
  4. Settings

Answer : D

32) How many minimum fields need to have in the Load statement dealing with hierarchy table ?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 0

Answer : C

33) How many different view/(s) is/are available in Table Viewer ?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer : B

34) What does identifier 1 represents in Set Analysis ?

  1. An Empty Set
  2. Full set of all the records in the application
  3. The records of the current selection
  4. The Previous Selection

Answer : B

35) Which of the following is not a basic Aggregation Functions ?

  1. Sum(expression)
  2. Min(expression [,rank])
  3. MinString(expression)
  4. Max(expression [,rank])

Answer : C

36) What will be the output of index( ‘abcdefg’, ‘cd’ )

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer : C

37) In how many way/(s)  security mechanism in QlikView can be set up ?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer : B

38) Which of the following is not QlikView Publisher capabilities ?

  1. Reload
  2. Reduce
  3. Distribute
  4. In-Memory analytics engine

Answer : D


39) Where we can find the information of all QV Services and their status in QMC?

  1. Status -> Services
  2. System -> Services
  3. Setup -> Services
  4. Users -> Services

Answer : A

40) Where we can find the detailed information about QlikView System in QMC ?

  1. System -> About
  2. Status -> About
  3. About -> System
  4. Setup -> About

Answer : A

41) Which of the following is not true about dimensional modelling?

  1. Simpler schemas
  2. Less Normalized
  3. Confuses end users
  4. Understood by end users

Answer : C

42) Which of the following does not drive the decision of usage of QVD file?

  1. Large number of database rows and load times are significant
  2. Does not require a frequent load
  3. Desire to reduce impact on your operational system
  4. Re-usability of data sources. I.e. multiple QlikView applications using the same
  5. QVD as a data source.

Answer : B

43) In a list box which Sort By type means that the values are sorted according to their logical state (selected, optional, excluded) ?

  1. State
  2. Frequency
  3. Load Order
  4. Text

Answer : A

44) Which object is used for entering data in a variable ?

  1. Input Box
  2. List Box
  3. Table Box
  4. Multi Box

Answer : A

45) Which of the Setting menu option is used to specify the maximum number of distinct selected values to be shown in the Current Selections windows ?

  1. User Preferences
  2. Document Properties
  3. Sheet Properties
  4. Object Properties

Answer : A

46) What is the number of records that have values (i.e. not NULL) in this field as compared to the total number of records in the table is called ?

  1. Subset Ratio
  2. Information Ratio
  3. Information Density
  4. Subset Information

Answer : C

47) Which function returns the contents of the fieldname in the record specified by row in the internal table tablename

  1. previous(expression )
  2. peek(fieldname [ , row [ , tablename ] ] )
  3. FieldValue(fieldname , n )
  4. FieldIndex(fieldname , value )

Answer : B

48) Which function returns the first text value of expression over a number of records, as defined by a group by clause. If no
text value is found, NULL is returned.

  1. MinString(expression )
  2. MaxString(expression )
  3. FirstValue(expression)
  4. LastValue(expression)

Answer : A

49) What Sum({$}  Sales) returns when used in expression ?

  1. Returns total sales within the application, disregarding selection but not the dimension.
  2. Returns Sales for the current selection.
  3. Returns Sales of the previous selection.
  4. Returns Sales of the next selection.

Answer : B

50) In the LEF file for QlikView Server License what is the Product level mentioned for QlikView Server ?

  1. 3
  2. 10
  3. 30
  4. 43

Answer : B

51) What type of security is implemented while communicating between QlikView Server and Windows Client?

  2. Tunneling via HTTP
  3. 128 bit (RSA algorithm)
  4. 56 bit

Answer : C

52) License Lease is available on the following server edition:

  1. QlikView Test Server
  2. QlikView Extranet Server
  3. Qlikview Information Access Server
  4. QlikView Small Business Server

Answer : D

53) In which of the following cases one should use radar chart?

  1. Comparison of high level groups (one or two measurements)
  2. Comparison for multimeasurements
  3. performance trends
  4. comparison of similar measurements

Answer : A

54) In which of the following cases one should not use guage chart?

  1. Percentage margins
  2. Percentage quota achieved
  3. YTD vs Last YTD
  4. compare 2 dimesions

Answer : D