R Programming Language – The R Project for Statistical Computing

What is R ?

R is a free software programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis.

What r can do ?

Using R Programming Language one can do

  • linear and non-linear modelling
  • statistical tests
  • Time-series analysis
  • Classification
  • Clustering

Why R ?

why to use R Programming Language and the answer is because

  • R is Free.
  • It Provides a powerful way to do statistical analysis on large sets of data.
  • New functions and packages are created and updated consistently.
  • It has Strong user base.

Download R

Download R

https://cloud.r-project.org/ Automatic redirection to servers worldwide, currently sponsored by Rstudio
http://cloud.r-project.org/ Automatic redirection to servers worldwide, currently sponsored by Rstudio


https://ftp.iitm.ac.in/cran/ Indian Institute of Technology Madras
http://ftp.iitm.ac.in/cran/ Indian Institute of Technology Madras


https://repo.bppt.go.id/cran/ Agency for The Application and Assessment of Technology


https://cran.um.ac.ir/ Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
http://cran.um.ac.ir/ Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


https://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/ HEAnet,Dublin
http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/ HEAnet,Dublin


http://cran.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/CRAN/ Garr Mirror, Milano
https://cran.stat.unipd.it/ University of Padua
http://cran.stat.unipd.it/ University of Padua


https://cran.ism.ac.jp/ The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo
http://cran.ism.ac.jp/ The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo
https://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/cran/ Yamagata University


https://ftp.harukasan.org/CRAN/ Information and Database Systems Laboratory, Pukyong National University
https://cran.seoul.go.kr/ Bigdata Campus, Seoul Metropolitan Govermment
http://healthstat.snu.ac.kr/CRAN/ Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul
https://cran.biodisk.org/ The Genome Institute of UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
http://cran.biodisk.org/ The Genome Institute of UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)


https://wbc.upm.edu.my/cran/ Univerisiti Putra Malaysia
http://wbc.upm.edu.my/cran/ Univerisiti Putra Malaysia


https://cran.itam.mx/ Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico
http://cran.itam.mx/ Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico
http://www.est.colpos.mx/R-mirror/ Colegio de Postgraduados, Texcoco

New Zealand

https://cran.stat.auckland.ac.nz/ University of Auckland
http://cran.stat.auckland.ac.nz/ University of Auckland


https://cran.uib.no/ University of Bergen
http://cran.uib.no/ University of Bergen


https://cran.stat.upd.edu.ph/ University of the Philippines and PREGINET
http://cran.stat.upd.edu.ph/ University of the Philippines and PREGINET


http://cran.radicaldevelop.com/ RadicalDevelop, Lda
http://cran.dcc.fc.up.pt/ University of Porto


https://fourdots.com/mirror/CRAN/ Four Dots


https://cran.stat.nus.edu.sg/ National University of Singapore, Singapore
http://cran.stat.nus.edu.sg/ National University of Singapore, Singapore

South Africa

http://r.adu.org.za/ University of Cape Town
http://cran.mirror.ac.za/ TENET, Johannesburg


https://ftp.cixug.es/CRAN/ Oficina de software libre (CIXUG)
http://ftp.cixug.es/CRAN/ Oficina de software libre (CIXUG)
https://cran.rediris.es/ Spanish National Research Network, Madrid
http://cran.rediris.es/ Spanish National Research Network, Madrid


https://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/CRAN/ Academic Computer Club, Umeå University
http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/CRAN/ Academic Computer Club, Umeå University


https://stat.ethz.ch/CRAN/ ETH Zürich
http://stat.ethz.ch/CRAN/ ETH Zürich


https://ftp.yzu.edu.tw/CRAN/ Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Yuan Ze University
http://ftp.yzu.edu.tw/CRAN/ Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Yuan Ze University
http://cran.csie.ntu.edu.tw/ National Taiwan University, Taipei


http://mirrors.psu.ac.th/pub/cran/ Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai


https://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/ University of Bristol
http://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/ University of Bristol
https://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/ Imperial College London
http://cran.ma.imperial.ac.uk/ Imperial College London


https://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/ University of California, Berkeley, CA
http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/ University of California, Berkeley, CA
http://cran.stat.ucla.edu/ University of California, Los Angeles, CA
https://mirror.las.iastate.edu/CRAN/ Iowa State University, Ames, IA
http://mirror.las.iastate.edu/CRAN/ Iowa State University, Ames, IA
https://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/CRAN/ Indiana University
http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/CRAN/ Indiana University
https://rweb.crmda.ku.edu/cran/ University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
http://rweb.crmda.ku.edu/cran/ University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
https://cran.mtu.edu/ Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
http://cran.mtu.edu/ Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
http://cran.wustl.edu/ Washington University, St. Louis, MO
http://archive.linux.duke.edu/cran/ Duke University, Durham, NC
https://mirrors.sorengard.com/cran/ Sorengard, Bronx NY
https://cran.case.edu/ Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
http://cran.case.edu/ Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/cran/ Oregon State University
http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/cran/ Oregon State University
http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/R/CRAN/ Statlib, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
http://cran.mirrors.hoobly.com/ Hoobly Classifieds, Pittsburgh, PA
https://mirrors.nics.utk.edu/cran/ National Institute for Computational Sciences, Oak Ridge, TN
http://mirrors.nics.utk.edu/cran/ National Institute for Computational Sciences, Oak Ridge, TN
https://cran.revolutionanalytics.com/ Revolution Analytics, Dallas, TX
http://cran.revolutionanalytics.com/ Revolution Analytics, Dallas, TX


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