Quiz on R programming

R Beginner Quiz

Which of the following are Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms

  1. a and b
  2. a and c
  3. b and c
  4. a, b and c

Answer : a and b

What will be temperature next Tuesday can be predicted using which  Algorithm?

  1. Classification
  2. Clustering
  3. Classification or clustering
  4. Regression

Answer : Regression

Person can be granted Loan or not can be decided using which algorithm?

  1. Classification
  2. Clustering
  3. Regression or clustering
  4. Regression

Answer : Classification

Which algorithm will help in predicting binary out come?

  1. Classification
  2. Clustering
  3. Regression or clustering
  4. Regression

Answer : Classification

Which of the following is correct?

  1. R is open source but not Python
  2. R and Python are open source
  3. SAS
  4. Python and SAS are not open source

Answer : R and Python are open source

Which of the following have steeper learning curve?

  1. R
  2. R and Python
  3. Python
  4. SAS

Answer : R

Which of the following have highly advanced graphical capabilities?

  1. R and SAS
  2. R and Python
  3. SAS and Python
  4. R,SAS and Python

Answer : R and Python

Machine can be made to learn using  _ Set  and Evaluate using __ Set

  1. Training Set , Test Set
  2. Test Set, Training Set
  3. Training Set, Training Set
  4. Test Set , Test Set

Answer : Training Set , Test Set

Which of the following have good data management capabilities?

  1. R and Python but not SAS
  2. R and SAS but not Python
  3. Python and SAS but not R
  4. R,Python and SAS

Answer : R,Python and SAS

Number of tv’s that will sell in upcoming year can be predicted using which Algorithm?

  1. Classification
  2. Clustering
  3. Regression
  4. Classification or clustering

Answer : Regression

Number of new customers in upcoming week can be predicted using

  1. Classification
  2. Clustering
  3. Classification or clustering
  4. Regression

Answer : Regression

Person is Diabetic or not can be predicted using  which algorithm?

  1. Classification
  2. Clustering
  3. Regression or clustering
  4. Regression

Answer : Classification

Grouping Customers based on their purchasing habits can be done using which algorithm?

  1. Classification
  2. Clustering
  3. Regression
  4. Classification or Regression

Answer : Clustering

Grouping Hotels based on their latitude and longitude can be done using which algorithm?

  1. Classification
  2. Clustering
  3. Regression
  4. Classification or Regression

Answer : Clustering

Which of the following unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm?

  1. Classification
  2. Clustering
  3. Regression or Classification
  4. Regression

Answer : Clustering