Resume Template – How about starting the year 2021 on the right foot with a new job opportunity ? If you are looking for a job , preparing for possible interviews is the first step and it all starts with a good resume.
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Free Resume Templates for 2021
The way you put information on paper can help attract recruiters. In other words, regardless of their qualifications, an HR professional can sympathize with their profile only by the type of curriculum presented.
What is the correct way to make a resume? We have selected five sites that offer an extensive list of curriculum templates for you to edit and make yours look flawless.
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1. Kickresume
The first suggestion on our list is the Kickresume website. Although it is only available in English, it is simple to browse through the pages and find the information you need according to your need. The proposal is that you can create a personalized curriculum in just 10 minutes.
Starting from some pre-configured templates, all you need to do is replace the base information with your own. Another great advantage is the possibility to import data from LinkedIn , which facilitates filling. To use the platform, it is necessary to create a user account, but the service is free.
Discover the Kickresume website
2. CVMaker
For those who want simplicity of use, but do not give up a good number of features, CVMaker is the most balanced option. It is one of the most well-known international websites in the development of curricula, with more than 11 million alternatives saved in the database.
After filling out the form you can export the curriculum in PDF, HTML and TXT formats. Some extra features are only available to users who purchase the premium version. However, it is possible to make great resumes only with what is available for free.
3. My Perfect Resume
Following a similar style to the two previous services, My Perfect Resume can be considered a more robust alternative. In addition to presenting hundreds of resume templates, the service also offers cover letter alternatives.
The system also lists which curriculum models were most used by users and also which were most selected by recruiters. The website also has other services such as the possibility of revising your curriculum by specialists or the possibility of creating new models.
Discover the My Perfect Resume website
4. Easel.ly
If you are looking for resumes with a less conventional profile, then Easel.ly is your first option. The service offers tools that allow you to transform a curriculum into a kind of infographic. There is no need to have prior knowledge of editing functions, but having good notions of design makes things easier.
Say goodbye to boring and expressionless texts and add visual information to your creations. Most of Easel.ly’s services are free, but if you are looking for more elaborate infographics you will have to purchase the premium version to have access to a greater volume of resources.
5. Make Your Resume
If what you need is a traditional curriculum template, but you don’t have access to text editing software, a great option is to use Make Your Resume. It is an initiative developed by SENAI and that can be used by those who are starting in the job market.
Choose from three models: classic, modern and formal. Then fill in the data in the form fields that appear. Personal data, academic background, professional history and language. Finally, just click on “Send” and the system will be in charge of generating a model, which can be downloaded, printed or shared on social networks.
Discover the site Make Your Resume
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