Selenium Quiz

Selenium IDE Quiz


Selenium Quiz contain set of 11 MCQ questions for Selenium IDE MCQ which will help you to clear beginner level quiz.

1. Selenium IDE stands for
A. Selenium Intialization Development Environment
B. Selenium Interrelated Development Environment
C. Selenium Integrated Development Environment
D. Selenium Information Development Environment
2. The Selenium IDE is used
A. To create customized test results.
B. To deploy your tests across multiple environments using Selenium Grid
C. To test with HTMLUnit
D. To test a web application against Firefox only.

3. Select the Browser which is supported by Selenium IDE
A. Google chrome
B. Opera mini
C. Mozilla Firefox
D. Internet Explorer
4. Out of the following which can only test web applications :
B. Selenium
5. Select the component which is NOT part of Selenium suite.
A. Selenium IDE
B. Selenium RC
C. Selenium Grid
D. Selenium Web
6. Select the command which is NOT a type of assertion in Selenium IDE.
A. Assert
B. Verify
C. WaitFor
D. Wait
7. The Selenium can
A. access controls within the desktop
B. both web and desktop applications
C. only test web applications
8. Can Google chrome be supported by Selenium IDE?
A. Yes
B. No
9. Can Unix operating system be supported by Selenium IDE?
A. No
B. Yes
10. Select the command in Selenium IDE used to open a page using the URL.
A. OpenRecord
B. Open
C. OpenText
D. OpenTable
11. In case of Selenium IDE, the Source view shows your script in
A. DHTML format
B. J2EE format
C. XML format
D. HTML format.