Talend Quiz

Talend Intermediate Quiz

1) TAC server can have one more number of execution servers

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

2) Hash components allow you to store multiple hash objects and retrieve specific hash sets ?

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

3) Is hash components can read by parent jobs to send data back up to the calling parent job ?

  1. TRUE
  2. False

Answer : B

4) We can create the Surrogate key in the SCD component of by using the following way

  1. Input field
  2. Routine
  3. TableMax+1
  4. All the above

Answer : D

5) Can we change the generated code directly ?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer : B

6) Talend Studio can directly communicate with SVN repository ?

  1. TRUE
  2. False

Answer : B

7) Joblet are used if two Jobs which has the same  identical functionally

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

8) Schema can be referred from

  1. Built-In
  2. Repository
  3. A&B

Answer : D

9) How to extract value of single column into mulitiple column ?

  1. tExtractfileds
  2. tExtractDelimitedField
  3. tdelimited
  4. Non of them

Answer : B

10) The purpose of tdie component is to

  1. Disable a component
  2. Kill a job
  3. Disable a job
  4. Deactivate a flow

Answer : B

11) die component can be used as a start/first component of a job

  1. TRUE
  2. False

Answer : B

12) Implicit context can be assigned from either File or database

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

13) Project setting should be applied to all jobs in that project

  1. TRUE
  2. False

Answer : B

14) Can conext value of one job be passed to the other

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer : B

15) tJoin component can have ____ number of outputs

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer : B

16) tJoin supports only _________ join

  1. inner join
  2. left outer join
  3. full outer join
  4. All the above

Answer : A

17) Is tJoin support filter data using filter expression

  1. TRUE
  2. False

Answer : B

18) tJoin offers three match model

  1. Unique Match
  2. First Match
  3. All Matches
  4. All the above

Answer : A

19) tJoin accepts only ____ inputs

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer : B

20) tSchemaComplianceCheck helps to validate following data

  1. number validation – maximum length
  2. string validation – maximum length
  3. date pattern validation
  4. All the above

Answer : D

21) TalendDate.getDate function returns minute and seconds by default

  1. TRUE
  2. False

Answer : B

22) tJavaFlex will auto propagate data

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

23) Is it possible to run multiple sql queries with one t<database>Row component

  1. Yes
  2. NO

Answer : A

24) Talend job level logging is enabled by default

  1. TRUE
  2. False

Answer : B

25) Is Talend supports dynamic schema structure ?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer : A

26) In the tMap configuration window how is a column from an input table represented in an output table

  1. Table coumn
  2. Column with an arrow from the input table poining to it
  3. table.column
  4. table

Answer : C

27) Where do you specify a condition that places constraints on the data output from a tMap component

  1. In the expression filter of an output table
  2. In the schema editor
  3. in the expression filter editor
  4. in the expression editor of the tMap component

Answer : A

28) When is it a good idea to save configuration information in the repository as metadata?

  1. When you want to use the configuration information in multiple projects
  2. When you want to use the configuration information for more than a single component
  3. When all the parameters are not available through the component view
  4. When you want the configuration information to be easily accessible.

Answer : B

29) What is the best practice for arranging components on the design workspace

  1. Top to bottom
  2. Right to left
  3. left to Right

Answer : C

30) What is indicated by an asterisk next to the job name in the design workspace

  1. That this is a active job
  2. That the job contains unsaved chnages
  3. That the job currently running
  4. that the job contains errors

Answer : B

31) What project elements can you associate with a graphic shape in a business model?

  1. Any item in the Repository
  2. Documents and Metadata
  3. Documents and jobs
  4. Documents

Answer : A

32) What is the purpose of a business model

  1. To run job elements
  2. To associate users with a project
  3. To associate documentation with a project

Answer : B

33) What component captures messages from twarn component

  1. tLogcatcher
  2. tLogRow
  3. tRowgenerator
  4. tStaticcatcher

Answer : A

34) What is the purpose of sync columns button in the component view

  1. To force the schema of the component to match the schema of output row
  2. To force the schema of the output row to match the schema of the component
  3. To force the schema of the input row to match the schema of the component
  4. To force the schema of the component to match the schema of input row

Answer : D

35) What is the purpose of tReplicate component

  1. To duplicate a subjob
  2. Duplicate the incoming schema into two identical output flows
  3. To duplicate the configuration of an existing component
  4. To send duplicates of an output row to multiple target components.

Answer : B

36) Choose the most accurate description of tUniqRow component

  1. The primary output contains a single row for each unique combination of values in the columns listed in the primary key table
  2. The primary output contains a single row for each unique value in each column listed in the primary key table
  3. The primary output contains a single row for each unique value in each column listed in the unique key table
  4. The primary output contains a single row for each unique combination of values in the columns listed with the “key attribute” checked.

Answer : D

37) what expression generates a sequential number for each row

  1. sequence(“s”,1)
  2. ascend(“s1”,1)
  3. sequence(1,1)
  4. Numeric.sequence(“s1”,1,1)

Answer : D

38) how many main rows can be connected to a tMap component as input

  1. one-any other input rows are lookups
  2. one-a tMap component can have a single input
  3. Three
  4. as many as necessary

Answer : A

39) From which tab in a component view would you specify that a comment indicator should be displayed in the design workspace

  1. Basic settings
  2. Advanced settings
  3. View
  4. Documentation

Answer : D

40) From which view in Talend Studio would you clear the statistics from the  design workspace

  1. The Problems view
  2. The context view
  3. The job view
  4. The Run view

Answer : D

41) What is the purpose of the Header parameter for a tFileInputdelimited component

  1. To specify whether or not the first row of input contains column names
  2. To specify how many initial rows of input to skip
  3. To specify that a row containing column names ne placed into the data
  4. No change input data if we specify this option or not

Answer : B

42) What is the default join model in tMap component

  1. Left outer join
  2. Right Outer Join
  3. here is no default
  4. Inner join

Answer : A

43) how do you see a configuration error message for a component

  1. Right-click the component and then click show problem
  2. Place the mouse pointer over the ereor symbol in the design workspace
  3. From the Error view
  4. From the Problems view

Answer : D

44) how do you concatenate two string columns  in an output table of a tMap configuration

  1. Drag the two input columns into expression field of the output column and then place a plus sign between them
  2. shift click both input columsn and then drag to the expression field of the output column
  3. Enter table.column1 & table.column2 in the expression field of the output column
  4. Enter column1 + column2 in the expression field of the output column.

Answer : A

45) Wher do you define the condition for Run If trigger

  1. on the row
  2. on the targer component
  3. on the source component
  4. In the file menu

Answer : A

46) Can we save our personal settings in DQ Portal?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer : A

47) In exported jobs .bat file is used in Windows server

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

48) In exported jobs .sh file is used in Unix/Linux server

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

49) Identify Incorrect option: In tmap we have match models

  1. Unique Match
  2. First Match
  3. All Match
  4. Inner Match

Answer : D

50) Do we have functionality of “Store Temp Data” in

  1. tjoin
  2. tBuffer
  3. tmap
  4. tjava

Answer : C

51) Can we pass values from Child job to parent job using

  1. tjava
  2. tfilter
  3. taggregaterow
  4. tbuffer

Answer : D

52) Can we execute sub jobs parallel

  1. NO
  2. YES

Answer : A

53) Can we split one column value into multiple columns using

  1. tjava
  2. tcontextload
  3. tfileinput
  4. textractdelimitedoutput

Answer : D

54) Compont used in scenarios where data from previous rows needs to be compared with the current row to perform the transformations

  1. trowgenerater
  2. tlogrow
  3. tMemorizeRows
  4. tbuffer

Answer : C

55) Which component is used to execute a Unix or Linux command with Pipe or Redirection

  1. tjava
  2. tjavaflex
  3. tmap
  4. tsystem

Answer : D

56) How to Execute multiple SQL queries in Talend

  1. Not possible in talend
  2. “allowMultiQueries=true” in the Additional JDBC parameters
  3. by default we can run multiple queries
  4. tlog

Answer : B

57) Sysntax is correct or not ? ->  System.out.println(TalendDate.isDate(“2008-11-11 12:15:25”, “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”);

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

58) How to get latest file from directory?

  1. Not possible in talend
  2. using tjavaflex
  3. using hardcoded filepath
  4. using tbuffer components

Answer : D

59) How to Read Multi Schema Positional File using talend?

  1. Not possible in talend
  2. tFileInutMSPositional
  3. tfileinputdelimited
  4. lrowgenerater

Answer : B

60) Can we Set Java Job Upper Heap Memory Limit

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

61) How to Split large XML into multiple XML

  1. tfileinputXML
  2. tAdvancedFileOutputXML
  3. tfileoutputxml
  4. tExtractXMLField

Answer : B

62) tFileList use case example iterates on files or folders

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

63) Combines the multi link data in single schema using which component?

  1. tjava
  2. tunite
  3. tjoin
  4. Not Possible

Answer : B

64) tAmazonOracleInput : Reads an Amazon RDS Oracle table and extracts fields based on an SQL query

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

65) Copies a source file into a target directory and can remove the source file if required.

  1. tfilecopy
  2. tfiledelete
  3. tfilerename
  4. tfilelist

Answer : A

66) tFlowMeterCatcher catches the processing volumetric from the tFlowMeter component and passes them on to the output component.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

67) Component is used to abort the job as per specific condition fails.

  1. tflowmeter
  2. tassert
  3. tdie
  4. tjava

Answer : C

68) Starts measuring the time a subjob takes to be executed.

  1. tlog
  2. tjavaflex
  3. tassert
  4. tChronometerStart

Answer : D

69) This helps to execute/trigger set of task prior to main job start.

  1. tChronometerStart
  2. tunite
  3. tsleep
  4. tprejob

Answer : D

70) This component partitions the input data before tCollector can transfer them to the parallel execution processes.

  1. tunit
  2. tpostjob
  3. tPartitioner
  4. trecollector

Answer : C

71) tWaitForSocket component makes a loop on a defined port, to look for data, and triggers a subjob when the condition is met.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

72) tConvertType allows specific conversions at run time from one Talend java type to another.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

73) tAddLocationFromIP replaces IP addresses with geographical locations.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

74) Opens a file and reads it row by row to split them up into fields using regular expressions. Then sends fields as defined in the Schema to the next Job component, via a Row link

  1. tfileinputXML
  2. tFileInputRegex
  3. tfileoutputxml
  4. tExtractXMLField

Answer : B

75) This component calls the gpg -d command to decrypt a GnuPG-encrypted file and saves the decrypted file in the specified directory.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer : A