Talend Quiz

Talend Expert Quiz


1) Talend job server is using the following ports

  1. command_server_port=8000;file_server_port=8001;monitoring_port=8888
  2. command_server_port=8000;file_server_port=8001;monitoring_port=8002
  3. command_server_port=8000;file_server_port=8001;monitoring_port=8003
  4. None of them

Answer : A

2) Key Value and Key Index properties are used in _____

  1. tMap component
  2. Non multischema component
  3. multischema input component
  4. None of them

Answer : C

3) What is the default Talend administrator ?

  1. administration
  2. talend
  3. admin

Answer : C

4) Talend commandline has ________ operating modes

  1. Shell
  2. Server
  3. Scripts
  4. All of them

Answer : D

5) tMemorizeRows is generally used in scenarios where data from previous rows needs to be compared with the current row to perform the transformations.

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

6) Which of the below statements helps in improving the performance

  1. indexes need to be enabled before running a session
  2. Drop the constraints and indexes before running the session and rebuild them after completion of session
  3. indexes should be dropped but constraints should be enabled before running a session
  4. disable the constraints but enable the indexes before running a session

Answer : B

7) How can you minimize the cache for a joiner transformation?

  1. Make the smaller source the master source
  2. Make the smaller source the details source
  3. Sort the master data prior to the joiner transformation
  4. sort the detail data prior to the joiner transformation

Answer : A

8) [(# of reads from disk) + (# of writes to disk)]/[(# of reads from memory cache) + (# of writes to memory cache)] is the formula for

  1. hit ratio
  2. miss ratio
  3. a&b
  4. None of the Above

Answer : A

9) Which is not valid for optimizing system bottleneck?

  1. Improve network speed
  2. improve CPU performance
  3. increase paging
  4. check hard disks on related machines

Answer : C

10) What are the Xms and Xmx parameters when starting JVMs

  1. The flag Xmx specifies the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), while Xms specifies the initial memory allocation pool.
  2. The flag Xmx specifies the minimum memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), while Xms specifies the initial memory allocation pool.
  3. The flag Xmx specifies the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), while Xms specifies the minimum memory allocation pool.
  4. None of them

Answer : A

11) The context file is passed to the job in which of the following files

  1. Job jar file
  2. bat file
  3. sh file
  4. classpath jar file

Answer : C

12) Can the schema of tlog catcher edited before connecting it to a component

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer : B

13) Which of the following is/are reusable in Talend

  1. java routines
  2. metadata schemas
  3. context variables
  4. all of the above

Answer : D

14) how to set up dependency on routines for a job

  1. Right click on Job -> Edit properties of a job
  2. Right click on Job -> Set Routine Dependencies
  3. Set the dependency on project setting
  4. Set through context file

Answer : B

15) Where to set the JVM argument of a particular job

  1. edit properties of the job
  2. project setting of the job
  3. context window of the job
  4. Advanced settings on the run window

Answer : D

16) What are the following true about JobLet

  1. Schema of the component connecting to input of joblet should be same as Joblet’s first component
  2. Schema of the component connecting from output of joblet should be same as Joblet’s last component
  3. Both a & b
  4. None of the above

Answer : C

17) Which component of talend is used to split the xml file into multiple xml files

  1. tFileInputXML
  2. Txmlmap
  3. Tmapxml

Answer : B

18) Job Conductor is not part of TAC administrator

  1. TRUE
  2. False

Answer : B

19) How do I change the local language of Talend Studio?

  1. Windows -> Preferences -> Talend -> Appearance
  2. Windows -> Preferences -> Talend -> Internationalization

Answer : B

20) How do you pass rows that do not match the inner join in a tMap component to an output table

  1. Check Catch lookup inner join reject in a tMap setting of the output table
  2. Check catch output reject in the tMap setting of the lookup table
  3. Check Catch lookup inner join reject in thr tMap setting of the lookup table
  4. Check Catch output reject in the tMap settings of the ouput table

Answer : C

21) When you connect a tMap component to a target component what rows are available

  1. Main and Rejects
  2. The same names as the input roes
  3. Main
  4. Whatever names you gave to the output tables in the configuration window

Answer : D

22) How do you run a job that has been saved to be run independently of Talend Studio

  1. Extract the files from the archive and then run the batch or shell file
  2. Extract the files form the archive and then pass the job name to the utility progran run_job
  3. Run java from the command line passing it the name of the archive
  4. Extract the file from archive and run the jar file

Answer : A

23) From which view in talend open studio would you modify the comments attched to a component

  1. The Component view
  2. The job view
  3. The Problems view
  4. The context view

Answer : A

24) How do you save a job so that it can be run independantly of Talend studio

  1. click save as in file menu
  2. Right-click the job in the repository and click save as
  3. click export job on the file menu
  4. Right-click the job in the repository and then click export job

Answer : D

25) how do you determine what project elementas are assocoated with a particular Business model shape?

  1. Right-click the shape in the design workspace and then click find associations
  2. Right-click the shape in the design workspace and then click find assignments.
  3. click the shape in the design workspace and then click the Assignment tab in the business models view
  4. click the shape in the design workspace and then click the Association tab in the component view

Answer : C

26) Choose the most accurate description of tAggregateRow component

  1. The calculation specified in the functions table are performed for each unique combination of values in the columns listed in the columns table
  2. The calculation specified in the opearations table are performed for each unique combination of values in the columns listed in the group by table
  3. A sum of the columns listed in the opearations table is performed for each unique combination of values in the columns listed in the group by table
  4. The calculation specified in the functions table are performed for each unique combination of values in the columns listed in the group by table

Answer : B

27) What component compress a target directory into a archive file

  1. tDircompress
  2. tDirArchive
  3. tFileArchive
  4. tDirzip

Answer : C

28) how do you configure a database component to use a Repository database connection

  1. Right-click a database component in the design workspace and then click use an exsting connection
  2. In the component view change the property type from Built-in to repository
  3. Drag a connection from the repository onto a database component in the desing workspace

Answer : B

29) what is the purpose of context group

  1. to enable editing mutiple variable simultaneously
  2. To provide singl default value for all variable in a specific set
  3. To create a hierarchy of variables
  4. To organize a set of variable in the repository

Answer : A

30) when you save chnages to tMap configuration you are sometime prompted to propagate changes why

  1. Because your changes affect output schema and target component should have a matching schema
  2. Because your changes have not yet been saved
  3. Because your changes affect output schema and source component should have a matching schema
  4. Because your changes affect output schema and source component should have a matching schema

Answer : A

31) What are the two ways to add text information to a job

  1. Edit the comments box in the documentation tab on the job view
  2. import a text file and attach to the job
  3. Add a note component to the design workspace

Answer : C

32) In what format does Talend open studio generate job documentation

  1. HTML
  2. plain text
  3. CSV
  4. XML

Answer : A

33) Which of the following is not a valid action for a table  in a tMysqlOutput component

  1. drop
  2. create if not exists
  3. create
  4. drop and create

Answer : A

34) Which component do you use to stop a running job under specific condition

  1. tDie
  2. tKill
  3. tWarn
  4. tStop

Answer : A

35) What output rows are available for a tUniqueRow component

  1. Uniques and lookup
  2. Main and duplicates
  3. Unique and duplicates
  4. Main and Rejects

Answer : C

36) In the tMap configuration window which schemas do you modify with the schema editor

  1. the schema of any two tables
  2. The schema of one input table or one output table
  3. The schema of the choosen input table or choosen output table
  4. The schemas of any two attched components

Answer : D

37) how do you change the name of an output table in tMap configuration

  1. click the name of the table in tMap configuration window and then click the rename button
  2. change the name of the corresponding output row in the design workspace
  3. you cannot change the name of the existing output table
  4. click the name of the table in tMap configuration and edit it

Answer : B

38) what is the difference between built-in context variable and repository context variable

  1. A built-in context variable is predefined and accessible from multiple jobs whike a repository context variable is specified to a single job
  2. A built-in context variable is predefined in Talend studio while you define a repository context variable yourself
  3. A built-in context variable is specific to a single job while a repository context variable can be imported into multiple jobs
  4. context variable are stored in different location otherwise both are identical

Answer : C

39) how do you ensure that a subjob completes before a second subjob runs

  1. connect the second subjob to the first subjob with an onSubjobok or onSubjobError trigger
  2. you cannot specify the run sequence of subjobs
  3. connect the second subjob to the first subjob with an iterate row
  4. connect the second subjob to the right of the first subjob in the design workspace

Answer : A

40) What is the significance of tLoqateAddressRow component in Talend?

  1. Component for search address
  2. Component for mailing on correct address
  3. Component for check address
  4. Component to get local address

Answer : B

41) Can we use Binary transfer mode in  SFTP

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer : B

42) Can we use Binary transfer mode in  FTP

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer : A

43) Identify Incorrect option:How to add third party libraries in talend project?

  1. Window -> Preferences -> Java -> User Libraries
  2. Use the tLibraryLoad component
  3. Use Routines “Edit Routine Libraries” option
  4. Use Global Context

Answer : D

44) Can we use expression on columns while providing joining condition in tmap?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer : A

45) Can we use expression on columns while providing joining condition in tJoin?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer : B

46) Can we call shell script using which component

  1. tJava
  2. tJavarow
  3. tsystem
  4. tmap

Answer : C

47) How to transpose rows to columns using component

  1. tbuffer
  2. tPivottooutputdelimited
  3. taggregaterow
  4. tlog

Answer : B

48) hHow we can send files from local machine to FTP server

  1. tsendmail
  2. tfilelist
  3. tftpget
  4. tftpput

Answer : D

49) What are two ways to include or import these external jar and library files.

  1. Using tLibraryLoad component
  2. by using tmap
  3. by using tjava,tjavaflex compoent

Answer : A

50) Component used for Processing Multi schema files

  1. tfileinputexcel
  2. tFileInputMSDelimited
  3. tfileoutputexcel
  4. tlog

Answer : B

51) It loads the entire XML file into memory before parsing and It uses Object based Model for parsing XML.

  1. Dom4J Parser
  2. SAX Parser
  3. No component available

Answer : A

52) It parses the XML file Node by Node and It uses Event based Model for parsing XML

  1. Dom4J Parser
  2. SAX Parser
  3. No component available

Answer : B

53) How to pass Context parameters to Talend Job through command line

  1. Using Context Group
  2. Not possible
  3. tlog

Answer : A

54) It transforms data flow into a list and allows to transform processable flow into non processable data

  1. trowgenerater
  2. tfixedflowinput
  3. tflowtoiterate
  4. tjava

Answer : C

55) Identify incorrect option : Useful Configuration and Log globle variables available in talend

  1. pid
  2. rootPid
  3. isParentJob
  4. isChildJob

Answer : C

56) Can we Set/change Workspace default location is given file :osgi.instance.area=provide your workspace path

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

57) How to solve “GC overhead limit exceeded” error

  1. Not possible
  2. dobule click on -Xmas and incrise the size upto GB eg. -Xmas2G or -Xmas-100M
  3. Restart machine
  4. remove number of tlog components

Answer : B

58) NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64 is related with

  1. commons-codec.jar
  2. All .dll files
  3. All .xml files
  4. Virtual memory problem

Answer : A

59) Can we Set Encoding to tMySQLOutPut: “useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8″

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

60) We can call shell script by using component called

  1. tmap
  2. tJavarow
  3. tjoin
  4. tsystem

Answer : D

61) How to generate Column into Rows with Talend

  1. tDenormalize
  2. tnormalize
  3. tbufferinput
  4. tlog

Answer : B

62) Component is usefule to add a reason code and message to the rejected output

  1. tfileoutputdelimited
  2. tFileInputMSDelimited
  3. tfileoutputexcel
  4. tRules

Answer : D

63) tScriptRules is a third-party Talend Open Studio component that applies a set of Javascript rules to an input flow

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

64) In talend Open Studio, Component is used to load XML into a database column

  1. tfileinputxml
  2. tfileoutputxml
  3. tWriteXMLField
  4. Not Possible

Answer : C

65) tJDBCColumnList : Iterates on all column names in a specified table from a defined DB connection

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

66) Writes a message to an LDAP server

  1. tLDAPRenameEntry
  2. tLDAPAttributesInput
  3. tLDAPInput
  4. tLDAPOutput

Answer : D

67) tGPGDecrypt : Decrypts a GnuPG-encrypted file and saves the decrypted file in the specified target directory.

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

68) tNamedPipeOpen opens a named-pipe for writing data into it.

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A

69) tPostgresqlInvalidRows checks database rows against specific Talend Data Quality database patterns.

  1. True
  2. FALSE

Answer : A