Test the Internet speed online on your PC or laptop . Do you pay a subscription to the internet, but are you not sure that you are given the exact speed that you write in your subscription? Below we will see how to test the internet speed online on PC or laptop, but also on Android or iOS mobile devices.
Broadband speed testing and testing can be a useful thing to do. You can check if you have the exact speed you are paying for your provider, regardless of whether it is fast enough for online streaming, and even if the ping is good enough for online gaming.
Keep in mind that for the best results, make sure that your internet connection is not used for anything else while you test, and if possible connect to your router via ethernet cable.
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Test your Internet speed online
The most visited site to test speed on the Internet online is speedtest.net . After performing the speed test, you will see a result that includes ping, download speed and upload speed. Download and Upload speed will be measured in Mbps.
Once the test is complete you can choose to share the result with friends, or retake the test again.
Test your Internet speed on your Android or iPhone
If you want to test the Internet speed on a mobile device, you can do this very simple, you will need to download the application from your application store, whether it is an iPhone, Android or Windows Phone. There are many such applications available, including Speedtest.
Once you’ve downloaded the app and installed it on your smartphone or tablet, you’ll need to open it and start the test. You will see the same details as on a PC. Make sure the Internet is not used by other applications, or download something from the Internet while you are testing.
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