What is a Firewall? | Explaining all about Firewall

What is a Firewall? | Explaining all about Firewall

Would you like to know what a firewall is? We explain it to you in our following tips + tricks post!

What is a Firewall? | Explaining all about Firewall

When it comes to computers, the term “firewall” cannot be avoided. But what exactly is behind it? And why is it so important that your computer has an active firewall? We will answer these and other questions in the following article.

  • What is a firewall?
  • Why do I need a firewall?
  • How do I activate my firewall?

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What is a firewall?

The firewall (in German “fire protection wall“) is an essential part of the software of a computer. The function of a firewall is to protect your computer from unauthorized attacks on your network. However, the firewall itself cannot prevent attacks, it can only follow set rules. You can set these rules manually and generally allow or prevent certain programs from accessing the Internet.

For example, you can specify that you always have to confirm when a program tries to access the Internet. You can also add exceptions to the firewall. These exceptions are then always blocked or can always access the Internet without additional confirmation. For example, you should add your browser to the exceptions.

Quick start Guide how to add exceptions to your firewall.

  1. Open the settings with the key combination [Windows] + [I] and click on ” Update and Security “.
  2. Go to ” Windows Security ” on the left and then to ” Firewall & Network Protection “.
  3. Now click on ” Allow app access through firewall “.
  4. Now go to ” Change settings ” first and then select the app for which you want to add an exception from the list. If you don’t find the relevant program there, you can add it manually via ” Allow another app “. On the right side, select whether the exceptions should apply to private and / or public networks and confirm with ” OK “.

The firewall ensures that your computer can be accessed via an open port from outside your network. In the past, computers were directly connected to the Internet, so worms could infect a PC in a matter of seconds. A firewall prevents this access. As a rule, you now even have two firewalls: the personal firewall on your computer and the external firewall. The latter is related to your router’s software and protects it from attacks.

Why do I need a firewall?

As described above, the firewall serves to protect your computer. If necessary, access to the Internet is blocked by programs on the PC. The firewall can also block Internet access to your computer. This is to prevent unauthorized access to your computer. This procedure helps prevent malware, such as worms, on your computer. Without a firewall, other people and programs can access your computer and, in the worst case, access your sensitive data.

How do I activate my firewall?

The firewall is normally activated automatically – regardless of whether it is a Windows 10 or macOS-based computer, for example. If the firewall is deactivated, your operating system will inform you automatically. In addition, some programs and companies also offer their own firewalls, which are downloaded manually and activated via the corresponding program. Usually, however, it is sufficient to use the internal firewall.

In addition, you should also have an active virus protection program and always keep your security programs up to date. This way you can maintain the security of your computer as optimally as possible.


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