Now and then new fashions emerge on social networks and some of them come with hashtags. However, some of them arouse a certain curiosity for not having such an obvious origin or reference. What is TBT? What is BFF? What is YOLO? Some of them may go unanswered for many users.
Hashtags are the best way for a post to be found by more people who are interested in a type of content. For this reason, more than just citing a reference, they help the posts to have a more number of likes. Do you know the meaning of today’s most popular tags? We have listed some of them here.
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Table of Contents
What is TBT?
TBT is an acronym in English for “throwback Thursday“, something that in English translation sounds like “Thursday of return“. The tag is used on social media in photos that have been taken in the past and that indicate a desire to go back in time and kill those homesicknesses. Posts with this tag are made (or should be) always on Thursdays. The idea came up on Twitter around 2012.
What is FBF?
FBF is an acronym in English for “flashback Friday“. It is a version very similar to TBT, but used on Fridays. This is less popular than the previous one, especially in Brazil, but it still has its meaning.
What is YOLO?
YOLO is an English acronym for “You Only Live Once”. This tag is used on social media to indicate a time when people are enjoying life to the fullest, whether doing something creative or dangerous, or simply enjoying the day without any major concerns.
What is PAS?
These are not people writing the word “peace” incorrectly because they don’t know the spelling. “Pas”, with “s”, is an ironic way of asking for peace after saying something controversial and, often, aggressive. It is used more often on Twitter than on other social networks.
What is BFF?
BFF is an English acronym for “Best friends forever“. The idea is to represent that you are with a special person, be it a longtime friend or someone with whom you have a very close relationship.
What is Like4Like?
Like4Like is an English expression for “like for like”, that is, “likes by likes”. When the person posts something like this, he is indicating that if you like that photo he will reciprocate and will also like a photo of you. There is a similar expression that is “follow4follow“, which has the same meaning, but the idea is to follow those who follow it. It is the popular “follow me that I follow you back“.
What is OOTD?
OOTD is an English acronym for “Outfit of the day”, something that translation into English sounds like “costume of the day”. It is mostly used by people who are connected to the world of fashion and serves to indicate what the day looks like. Many celebrities use this tag to promote clothes from famous brands.
What is TGIF?
TGIF is an acronym in English for “Thanks God is Friday”.The reasons for its use became quite obvious after the translation, right? Thank the heavens because Friday has finally arrived.
What latergram?
It is one of the most used tags on Instagram and it indicates that that photo in question was not taken at that time, but on a previous day. The idea is not to leave users confused by posting a photo of Carnival when, in fact, it is already Ash Wednesday, for example. It is used by those who post many things daily.
What is LOL?
LOL is an acronym in English for “laugh out loud“, something that in English translation sounds like “laughing out loud“. The idea is to express that you found something very funny. Normally, we would use the famous “hahahaha” in conversations, but on Instagram and Twitter, the hashtag that caught on was this.
What is nofilter?
It is a tag used on Instagram to indicate that no filter was applied to a given photo. In other words, it is a way of showing that that exuberant look or the colors obtained in an image are the exclusive merit of the photographer and his camera, without the aid of image correction software.
What repost or rule?
These two hashtags are used most often on Instagram and indicate that the image in question is being posted again or that it is originally from someone else. Usually, in these cases, the etiquette of manners says that you must credit the original author in the description of the image or in the comments.
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