What to do if LTE internet does not work.
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What to do if LTE internet does not work?

What to do if LTE internet does not work.
What to do if LTE internet does not work ?

You recently started to notice that the LTE connection on your smartphone does not work as usual? Has the network connection been permanently lost or is it switching to 3G? Do not worry! There are various ways to solve these problems that you can try before you start cutting off your mobile operator’s support line.

The first thing you need to know is that 4G and LTE are two different things, although providers often combine them together. LTE actually achieves lower maximum speeds than “real” 4G. So, if only the 4G icon is displayed in the status bar instead of the usual 4G LTE, this in no way indicates the worst connection. On the contrary. If you go or even move to a large city, your network can get real 4G capabilities and speeds, so no corrections are required in this case.

If the connection has switched to 3G or the LTE icon has simply disappeared in some known place where there was once a network, the error may actually be related to the phone or network. Here’s what you can do if LTE doesn’t work on your phone.

Turn flight mode on and off 

Sometimes the most obvious solution is the most reliable. If network problems on your smartphone cause problems, the first thing you should try is to turn on or turn off  airplane mode  . You can do this simply by dragging the notification bar and clicking the airplane icon, or you can do it via  Settings  .

The path to this feature may vary slightly depending on the Android version and phone manufacturer, but  you can usually  turn on airplane mode by going to  Settings  >  Wireless networks  >  Airplane mode  . Turn it on for at least a few seconds, and then turn it off. In many cases, the LTE connection problems will disappear.

Restart the device

If the flight mode switch   did not solve the problem, then it’s time to go to another proven and true way – to restart the device. Just press and hold the smartphone’s power button, then press  Restart  or  Turn Off  . Wait a few seconds and turn it on again. Check the status icon and LTE connection speed by opening several specialized sites or downloading several small applications from Google Play.

Make sure the correct network mode is enabled.

Depending on your smartphone and operator, you should have at least three types of connections – 2G, 3G and 4G LTE (or only LTE). Usually, the device tries to connect to the fastest option when it is available, but if you did something in the settings or recently installed an update, it may require manual configuration. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to  Settings  and then click the Cellular section   .
  2. Go to  network mode  (or something similar). A list of preferred modes will appear.
  3. Select  Automatic  if it is available or LTE.

Remove and reinstall the SIM card

If none of the above methods worked, the problem may be incorrect SIM card installation. Remove it and carefully place it in the desired tray. Be careful when inserting the tray back into the machine. When finished, the LTE connection should return to normal.

Make sure you are using the correct SIM card slot.

Some phones with two SIM cards support LTE only in one of the two available slots. If you install the SIM card in the wrong slot without realizing it, it may disrupt LTE. Try moving the SIM card to a different slot.

Reset network settings

If you have tried all of the above, but nothing has changed, it’s time to take a slightly more decisive step. Reset mobile network settings. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Go to  Settings  , and then find the Reset  or  Backup and Reset item   . Click on it.
  2. Select Reset network settings in the list   . Remember that at this stage all network settings will be deleted, including saved Wi-Fi networks, paired Bluetooth devices and so on. If you’re sure you want to continue, click  Reset settings  .
  3. You will be asked to enter a PIN if you have one. Do this and confirm network reset.

After doing this, wait a few minutes – the new network settings should be automatically selected by your phone. If nothing happens, the good old restart should help, but at the end the LTE connection should return to normal. You can also always  reset the factory settings  , but do not resort to it if you have not tried other methods before.

Contact the operator

If you have tried everything on the list and apparently nothing has helped, it’s time to contact your mobile operator. Now you can do it on almost all social networks, but sometimes a good old connection can solve problems faster and better.

Check the phone for hardware problems.

Sometimes the missing or badly functioning LTE connection is a consequence of hardware problems. For example, if you dropped the device, it may damage internal components. Take him to an authorized workshop for inspection. If your device is new, but communication problems constantly haunt you, maybe the communication module on your smartphone is simply faulty.

Immediately contact the smartphone manufacturer or retailer from whom you bought it. In most cases, you’ll need to send the device for testing to check it. Make a backup copy before sending. In the event of a failure, in most cases you will receive a new smartphone.

These are all our tips and tricks to fix the LTE connection on your smartphone.