Clarify Thin Client Questionnaire

Clarify Thin Client

This is only a sample Clarify Thin Client Questionnaire that contains few questions as a preview.

1. Thin client applications follows the _____design pattern.

a) MVC
b) Factory Method Pattern
c) Abstract Factory
d) Pattern

2. What is the mechanism to access individual CDOs?

a) CBO Data Service
b) CDO Manager
c) Window Manager
d) Controller Servlet

3. Validation framework in clarifyCRM provides the validation support for which of the following?

a) Currency and currency symbol
b) Numerical Validations
c) a & b
d) String Length Validations

4. Which function displays a JavaScript alert or logs a message to the debug window ?

a) WMAlert ( strDebug, strMessage)
b) WMCAlert(strMessage, strDebug)
c) WMAlert(strMessage, strDebug)
d) WMCAlert ( strDebug, strMessage)