Oracle-Workflow Questionnaire


This is only a sample Oracle-Workflow Questionnaire that contains few questions as a preview.

1. Item Type Attribute also used as

a) Static list of values
b) Global variable within a process
c) Process rule
d) User role

2. Workflow deferred/time out/struck processes are processed by?

a) Workflow Notifications
b) Workflow Background Process
c) Not possible
d) None of the above

3. How to access workflow attribute data in the notification message

a) create a message attribute referring to workflow attribute
b) directly refer the workflow process attribute in the message
c) call a PLSQL procedure to access attribute data through WF_ITEM API
d) All of above

4. You completed your workflow definition. You want to save the definition to the system for source control purposes. How does Oracle workflow builder save the file?

a) As a flat file
b) As a BPEL-compiled definition
c) As an XML file with an associated document ty
d) As an XML file without an associated document

5. When starting (kicking off) an oracle workflow process, how do you ensure that it happens in a
background mode?

a) When initiating the workflow process through an event subscription, set the Execution Condition
Phase to be equal to or above 100
b) When initiating the workflow process through an event subscription, set the Execution Condition
Phase to be less than 100
c) When initiating the workflow process through an event subscription, set the Execution Condition
Phase to be equal to 50
d) None of above