Clarify CRM Standard Features MCQ Quiz – Part 2

Clarify CRM Standard Features MCQ

This Clarify CRM Standard Features MCQ Quiz contains few questions as a online practice test.

1. Which module we can use to define Application Popup List?

a) Clear Logistics
b) Clear Quality
c) Policies & Customer
d) Only Policies

2. If we want to take ownership of workflow item, we need to .it.

a) Dispatch
b) Accept
c) Assign
d) Delete

3. Ramesh is Owner of the Case. Santosh Yanks that case.  Who will be the owner of the Case after Yanking

a) Ramesh
b) Santosh
c) Both Ramesh and Santosh
d) SA User

4. A feature of ClarifyCRM that allows the application administrator to disable or enable certain menu items or command buttons is

a) Pop up List
b) Privilege Classes
c) Process Definition
d) Service Request

5. What is present in a user’s WIPBin when user sees it in Clarify?

a) All objects present in clarify
b) All closed objects present in clarify
c) All open objects assigned to that user or created by the user
d) All Closed objects assigned