YouTube link URLs – Gone are the days when you needed to download programs to your computer or mobile phone to download YouTube videos or turn them into GIFs. In many cases, just a trick on the URL – the link that appears in the browser’s address bar – will download a video (without any other programs). Here are five quick tips you can use to download YouTube videos without having to install anything on your computer.

Also Read : How To Download Any YouTube Video?
Table of Contents
Five tricks to changing YouTube link URLs, downloading videos and creating GIFs
1. SS

The simple “SS” trick only requires typing these letters before “youtube”. By pressing Enter you will see the SaveFrom.net website where you can download it in MP4, WebM, FLV, 3GP or just the audio.
2. Save media

With Save Media, it’s a little different. To download, you must access the video and exchange “youtube” for “savemedia”. This will allow you to download in MP4, WebM, FLV and 3GP or MP4 and MP4A audio.
3. PWN

Similar to the “SS” trick, you have the option to type “PWN” in the URL, always before “youtube”. By doing so, you will be redirected to a page with various options for video download sites. Dirpy, for example, lets you adjust the start and end time of the video before downloading.
4. Deturl

DetURL works like PWN. Directs you to the same page with multiple options for downloading videos from YouTube. To use it, you must replace “youtube” with “deturl” in the link.
5. GIF

If you want to download a video from YouTube and make it a GIF, the tip could not be simpler: add “GIF” next to “youtube” in the URL. You will be taken to a website where you can adjust the start and end of the animated image before saving it to your computer in animated format.
Also Read : Download YouTube audio and videos with just a few clicks
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