Oracle CRM on Demand Administration MCQ Quiz – Part 1

Oracle CRM on Demand Administration MCQ

This Oracle CRM on Demand Administration MCQ Quiz contains few questions as a free online practice test.

1. Which of the following is not the correct access level privilege?

1) Read Only
2) Read/Delete
3) Read/Edit
4) Read/Edit/Delete

2. Which of the options are correct while creating a new user?

1) Work Phone # and Cellular Phone # are mandatory
2) Email is mandatory but Work Phone is not
3) Work Phone # and Email are mandatory
4) Cellular Phone # and Email are mandatory

3. While defining the Company’s Password controls, what is the maximum number of current password attempts that can be defined?

1) Between 1 and 3
2) 5
3) 6
4) None of these

4. Which of the option is not correct for a User Profile?

1) Never Email
2) Never Call
3) Never Mail
4) Never Fax

5. Which of the following is correct for User Sign in Records in CRMOD?

1) These are never purged from CRMOD
2) These are purged every 90 days from CRMOD
3) To view Sign-In Activity the user role must include Administer Company Profile privilege
4) Both 2 and 3