ASCII code and ASCII tables – Letters, Numbers and Special characters

ASCII code and ASCII tables

You want to know what ASCII code is all about? We have put together the most important information for you.

ASCII code and ASCII tables


If you are interested in programming, sooner or later you will run into the word “ASCII” (pronounced aski). Below we will show you what this code is all about. In addition, we have put together some ASCII tables for you.

  • What is the ASCII code?
  • ASCII tables

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What is the ASCII code?

ASCII stands for “American standard code for information interchange”, thus American standard code for the information exchange. In this system, each coded character is assigned to a 7-bit code. These seven bits are then often represented in binary code, that is, with seven digits that can contain either a 0 or a 1. This binary code can then be converted back to decimal code so that whole sentences can be displayed in just a few sequences of numbers.

Meanwhile, the ASCII code, which was standardized in 1963, already considered relatively old and has now been replaced by a quasi-evolution Unicode. But for the time, the development of the ASCII code was almost revolutionary, as it standardized the basic coding of characters and control in computers. ASCII code is still found in many areas of programming, such as the coding of an Internet address, the URL. More information about the history and the background of the ASCII code can be found here.

Important: Do not confuse the ASCII code with the ANSI code. The first 127 characters of both codes are the same, but the following characters are different.

ASCII tables


We have compiled some letters here by way of example. You can simply continue the letter sequence by simply continuing counting in the decimal code. So the C is assigned to the number 67. So the D is 68 in decimal code.

binary code decimal ASCII characters
1000001 65 A
1000010 66 B
1000011 67 C
1011000 88 X
1011001 89 Y
1011010 90 Z
1100001 97 a
1100010 98 b
1100011 99 c
1111000 120 x
1111001 121 y
1111010 122 z



binary code decimal ASCII code
0110000 48 0
0110001 49 1
0110010 50 2
0110011 51 3
0110100 52 4
0110101 53 5
0110110 54 6
0110111 55 7
0111000 56 8th
0111001 57 9


Special characters & symbols

binary code decimal ASCII code
0101110 44 ,
0101100 46 .
0100001 33 !
0111111 63 ?
0101000 40 (
0101001 41 )
0101011 43 +
0101101 45
& 61 =
0100110 38 &


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