
How to Troubleshoot Change in Ip From Static to DHCP Automatically

To Troubleshoot Change in Ip From Static to DHCP Automatically Change in IP from static to DHCP automatically. Step 1: Uninstall the LAN drivers without re-booting the machine. Step 2: Go to RUN type regedit. Step 3: Navigate through the following: HKLM\System\Current Control Set\Control\Network And …

How to execute sybase query or stored procedure on AIX Unix

Unix is a portable operating system that is designed for both efficient multi-tasking and mult-user functions. Unix has the portability that allows it to run on different hardware platforms. Kernel is the UNIX operating system. It is the master program that controls the computer’s resources, …

How to troubleshoot AVR related Issue in Radware APSolute Vision

About AVR ApSolute Vision Reporting (AVR) is a report generating tool feature in Radware Vision, through which we can generate and export reports. There are so many ways to export reports from Vision like hour wise, day wise, monthly wise, yearly wise etc. We can …

How to configure your settings in Word to Update Documents on the Methods Portal

To configure your settings in Word to Update Documents on the Methods Portal. Word Settings need to be configured so that hyperlinks are not updated and set as relative hyperlinks at the time Word documents are updated. If the following Word setting is not configured …

How To Backup The Database – SAP HANA DATABASE

This article provide information on How To Backup The SAP HANA Databases. Database Backups are very important for any organization. Any architecture should have a well-defined Database backup strategy in order save an organization during disasters. Natural disasters can happen anytime, Hence we should be …

How to Configure External Automatic Replies on individual users in Exchange Server 2010

To Configure External Automatic Replies on individual users in Exchange Server 2010 By default, external automatic reply message is enabled in Exchange Server 2010, which allows all users to send external automatic messages. We can configure Exchange Server 2010 in such a way so that …

How to create a new Mailbox from EMC in Exchange Server 2010

To create a new Mailbox from EMC in Exchange Server 2010 Open the Exchange Management Console. Expand Recipient Configurations and click on Mailbox. Right-click on Mailbox and select New mailbox. In the Introduction page, select User Mailbox. In the User Type window, select New user. …