Anyone can use Google Classroom with a personal account; universities and schools must still opt for the G Suite.Now anyone can use Google Classroom , even with a personal account it is possible to use the platform to organize an educational project and bring students together in an online classroom. Previously, the tool was restricted to G Suite for Education or G Suite Enterprise for Education users
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Can I use Google Classroom for anything?
With the personal Google account (@ gmail .com) it is possible to create an online classroom through Google Classroom. However, Google asks schools and universities interested in the tool to sign up for G Suite for Education.
Therefore, the personal account can be used for independent projects of institutions. Example: a private teacher, without teaching being linked to any school or university.
What is the difference between your personal account and G Suite?
G Suite for Education offers greater control, security and privacy ” which are important in the school environment” over the free account. Even when entering the service with a personal account, you need to check the option “I have read and understood the above warning and I am not using Google Classroom in a school with students”.
The G Suite for Education includes:
- Unlimited space on Drive , Gmail and Google Photos;
- Another 100 GB to create Google Sites;
- Ability to gather more people in a Google Meet meeting;
- It allows configuring the parents to monitor the progress of students in Google Classroom;
- 24/7 phone and email support;
- You have no ads;
- It is free for public schools and universities (private institutions have to pay a fee per user).
How do people use the tool?
The official Google blog lists some uses for Classroom outside the classroom, and one of them is in Brazil. The GameDev Society UFRGS, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, holds weekly debates on topics such as design, art and programming; and uses the platform to inform members about upcoming meetings, share resources and manage weekly tasks.
Classroom also helps you manage free online classes, and organize the activities of a girl scout robotics group in the U.S. – it can be better than doing everything by email or a Facebook group .
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